Purple Haze - 4x4 tent - LED - Soil


they will either die or they won't, any mistake any time, if we know exactly what we did wrong, we can learn from. lb
I agree with using less light until theyre a little bigger/
Have a few more leafs.. And if i was you i wouldnt of
Put that worm casting on the seedlings myself at this
Young of an age let alone pack it around the stem as
You did.. They are young so they just need water and
Worm casting is like nutes etc so thats a good chance
Thats what the yellow leafs are from.. What ph are you
Running? and you diff need to work on better vent for
Air/heat etc.. If you have any questions etc feel free to
Ask and ill help ya the best i can :)
Here is just some info i thought would come in handle
Later on in there life and its good info to use as an idea
When youre having a problem.. Hope this comes in
Hand at some point if ever need...

Plant def problems

Nitrogen: Entire plant is light green in color; lower leaves are yellow; growth is stunted....

Phosphorous: Entire plant is bluish-green, often developing a red or purpleish cast; lower leaves may be yellow, drying to a greenish-brown to black color; growth may be stunted...

Potassium: Leaves have a papery appearance; dead areas along the edges of leaves; growth is stunted...

Magnesium: Lower leaves turn yellow along the tips and margin and between the veins; the lower leaves wilt...

Calcium: Young stems and new leaves die...

Zinc: Leaf tissue between the veins is lighter in color; yellowed; papery in appearance...

Iron: Leaf tissue appears yellow, while the veins remain green...

Copper: Leaf edges appear dark green or blue; leaf edges curl upward; young leaves permanently wilt...

Sulfur: Young leaves turn pale green, while the older leaves remain green; plant is stunted and spindly...

Mananese: Growth is stunted; lower leaves have a checkered pattern of yellow and green...

Molybdenum: Leaves are stunted, pale green, and malformed...

Boron: Young leaves are scorched at tips and margins...


Thanks again folks. I am following the advice of you all. I have scaled the lights back to one 90w LED. I am also watering the plant much less. I believe in addition to nute burn I was giving it too much light and too much water. All the basic no no's for newbies. Also my Ph is high at over 7. I have been treating water to about 6 and then using that. So far the growth seems to be okay outside of a few listed problems. For the most part all of the plants have developed four full size fan leaves and it appears its starting to develop a node. Right now I have 15 seedlings. I actually don't think I have room for 15 plants. So I am hoping that a few get weeded out. I am going to flower these within 20 days to reduce the space. From what I have read there are no gains from extending the vegetation stage.


Its day 9 and nothing much to report. I have switched to a single 90w LED. I initially was growing out of transparent 3.5" containers. I changed to black plastic soft containers that are 4.5". I noticed that the plants were already outgrowing the transparent containers and I read that roots don't like light. I am just hoping that I didn't kill my babies. Once I hit veg state I am thinking of transferring to my 3 gallon final pots. Any comments out there?

What kind of 3 gallon pots do you plan on using??
I like the "smart pots ®" bc they let the root breath
Better and they have great drainage etc etc...
They are cheap too.. Like 4.95 or so at my grow store
For three gallons.. I use five gallons and they were
Six bucks... Diff makes a diff in growth :)


Well-Known Member
Yes. Babies at that age don't really need to be fed anything but water to start. Your mix of soil should be good enough for a while. I grow with LEDs myself and during veg I keep them around 18-24inches. In flower I try to consistently keep it at 12inches. Let them develop a little more then transplabt


Well its day 15. I watered my babies after four days. The two mystery seeds are still tiny and I may get rid of them soon. The remaining 13 are all in good shape. The ones with the burnt leaf tips and yellow patches seem to have overcome those problems and the new leaves look healthy. I have turned off my 90w LED and turned on one of my 200w LEDs. I have it at about 20 inches above the plants and will try this for a few days. If you guys think this is too much light or not enough please let me know. I am thinking of running 490w during the veg stage and then getting another 200/300w LED for flowering. The temperature in the tent is running at about 28 degrees with about 50% humidity. Check out my latest pictures.



Well-Known Member
You will find alot of people here that will beat up on the fact that you are using leds (including myself) but since you are new to growing do it your way and figure out a system that works for you regardless of what people tell you.


Day 19

Well things seem to be going on track so far. I have turned on two 200w LEDs hanging them at 21" above the tallest leaves. Still going at 18/6. I have only been watering with water at a PH of 6. Picked up a digital PH reader and it very accurate.

I still have 15 plants going. I believe I can identify all the 5 mystery seeds. Two of them are growing bushier but shorter than the majority. One just has different leaf patterns. Two of them are strange twisted up messes. They continue to develop but at a much slower pace. Some of the leaves have yellowing on the edges but it doesn't seem to be a major problem. I have read that people that use strong LEDs have encountered Iron deficiencies. So I have ordered some seaweed fertilizer and will spray that on the leaves. For the most part I think everything is going as planned.

I have prepped my 3 gallon pots with potting soil, worm castings, potash, vermiculite and perlite. I want to wait a bit for re-potting as I think the LED intensity will decrease once I spread out the 15 pots across my grow tent. Based on the current LED distribution I will most likely need an additional 200w on top of my two 200 and 90 LEDs. That will put me at 690 for 16 square feet or 43 watts per square foot. IMG_5545.jpgIMG_5546.jpgIMG_5547.jpgIMG_5549.jpgIMG_5550.jpgIMG_5551.jpgIMG_5552.jpg


Day 20

I have made a bold move today and I am nervous. I FIMmed and topped all my plants. This was very tough for me to do but I am hoping that I can keep the plants bushy versus tall. I am limited with the height and pot size in the grow tent. All my plants have 4 to 5 nodes except for the two stunted mystery plants. I also sprayed the leaves with some nutes. Mainly some root mix and Miracle Gro. I put a 1/4 table spoon of each with 2 gallons of water. I also lowered my lights by a few inches. I am going to keep my fingers crossed.
Pictures of FIMming and topping


Well folks my journey has come to an end. I loaded up the soil with nutes and put the lights close. When I came to check in the morning everything was completely shrivelled up and dead. I am putting my grow skills on hold for now. Its just too much work.