ppm and ec help!


Well-Known Member
I'll say it once more, you don't need one. Niether will having one or not ahving one define whether you'll have a good harvest or a shit harvest.
i totally hear ya and believe you. i still want one though just cause i would like to know as much as i can about everything i can so i will get one, still not excited about how expiensive they r but whatever its all good.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
By all means get one if you feel like, i did nyself, and i'm jsut saying that i used it maybe twice and didn't really achieve anything with what i learned. Never used it since. No need to get a super expensive one, you can find generic digital meters on ebay for good prices, they just look like 6 inch plastic sticks with a screen in the middle.


Well-Known Member
I am stepping out of this convo.
LOL.... i see everyone point as to why its important to know and why i should get a pen thing but i also can see that it is possible to grow a decent plant with out one.....obviously everyone has their own style and way of doin things and im sure eventually im sure ill figure out my own. in the mean time i am grateful for everyones insite and i hope that you will all be willing to tolorate more stupid questions from me for a little while at least....thanks again for your guys help and plz keep the imput comming!


Well-Known Member

I am basically saying the same thing as TipTopToker. Focus on basics of the plant. The difference is that I prefer to include ppms under my defintion of the basics, and he does not. No big deal.

We both have great success....speaking with the benefit of the doubt that I trust what he says, because so many others here do....and I know the success I have had growing COPIOUS amounts of hydroponic weed myself.

We take just take slightly different ways to get there. Myself, I like to have a pen, simply to test the ppm of straight water at my source. And I like to know that I didnt' accidentally brain fart, and toxify my water because I got way too stoned before I went into my room, and mixed my solution wrong.
I like having the tool there for comfort....that is a big factor for me.

That being said, once I got familiar with the strain I had, I had a routine setup, and knew my mixtures. The pen was simply a safety check at that point.

Good luck. TTT is good to have helping you.



Well-Known Member
fer sure i like everyone giving me advice so keep it up. now just wondering but if im supposed to add my nutes one at a time into the res and i wanted to test my nutes strength....do i test each one individually and add them up or should i put all the nutes mixed together in a cup or sumthin then test it? just curious

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
can sometimes behave in a funny manner when mixed in their concentrated forms so add one and then add the other. You simply Take a reading once they are mixed in. If the reading is too high, add some water (if you are already at max capacity, remove some of the solution and replace with water) and if it is too little, then add some more nutes. Always add the nutes in equal quantities or as directed on the bottle. so if it's weak, add another 1ml of A and another 1ml of B.

Once all utes are added and you're happy with your strength, only then do you set the PH. Don't think about the PH until you've added all your nutes. Adding nutes to water will lower it's PH, but not always to the required level (hydroponics are not so good at buffering the PH as soil is so you need it fairly accurate, soil you can just bung any old stuff in haha)


Well-Known Member
cool thanks.

another question i read that you should not adjust the ph level more than 1.0 in a 24 hour period. true or false?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Time scale is arguable, no doubt set at 24 hours for convenience, but that does bear truth. Having a slightly too high PH can certainly be bad for your plant, but if you start adjusting the PH left right and center, the rapid fluctuations can be a lot more harmful than the constant but high PH. I use canna nutes and on the rverse it states to only set your ph once, and that the nutes are designed to maintain this so not to alter it again. Truth to this be damned, i can't say, but i set my ph when i first make up the reservoir, and i don't bother checking it till i fill it back up again.