Political Compass test


Well-Known Member
I tried taking the test from meds perspective, you know...answer what I think he would answer based on his post in here and I still landed in the green quadrant.....i put protectionism is necessary, globalization should serve humanity, the rich arent taxed highly enough, companies should have more of a social reponsibility, I even put agree next to the "from each according to his ability, each according to his need"...and the results came out lefty lib........obviously I cant read meds mind but I doubt he would get very high on the authoritarian scale, I could be wrong though


New Member
I tried taking the test from meds perspective, you know...answer what I think he would answer based on his post in here and I still landed in the green quadrant.....i put protectionism is necessary, globalization should serve humanity, the rich arent taxed highly enough, companies should have more of a social reponsibility, I even put agree next to the "from each according to his ability, each according to his need"...and the results came out lefty lib........obviously I cant read meds mind but I doubt he would get very high on the authoritarian scale, I could be wrong though
Hmmm ... that's very interesting. I guess there were no questions like: "Should the ultra rich be shot at sunrise?" Or, should ownership be outlawed?" Or, should Jews be horse-whipped? Or, should doctors be stripped of their smocks?" :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
or maybe its the i can think like someone else besides a 90 year old man or a crybaby hippy section


Well-Known Member
no dickface it was a sarcasm,, so your in the i think like a 90 year old man section i suppose?...

the middle is the i can think broadly section... im not a political robot with a 1 track thought process


New Member
no dickface it was a sarcasm,, so your in the i think like a 90 year old man section i suppose?...

the middle is the i can think broadly section... im not a political robot with a 1 track thought process
So you have a problem with senior citizens? How about "Niggers," "Kikes," "Spics," "Micks" and "Wops?" Do you have a problem with them too? :roll:



Well-Known Member
hey b.. sorry to break it to you but most have landed near the middle of the graph, which shows a fiscal and social prefrence but also shows that they aren't one track. remember to read the graph right. in order to be at the side where the prefrence turns one track you have to get out of the middle. the absolute value has to be higher than 5,5 so in example i got -4.5 -4.05, abs value would make them positive and still under the middle range of the graph since it goes all the way to 10,10 but i am close to the line :)


Well-Known Member
good point tampico.

Anyway, thanks for all the posts. I'm really enjoying where everyone lands on this graph. Kind of interesting to see on what we agree on and what we disagree on. Right now, it looks like the hot topic is how we spend and save our money.