PLanting in mud


Active Member
becasue of certain cercomstances with visiting my outdoor site i had to plant my 80+ seeeds last sunday dureing a light rain.....the soil was like drying mud...kinda clay consistancy.........will they still sprout or do i have to plant in dry dirt?.....if i dug a hole like 8 inches deep it didnt fill with water so the soil isnt soked...


Well-Known Member
I doubt clay will accomplish much.. It turns to mud when wet, doesn't drain, and hard for roots to expand. If you can't find a better soil area I'd mix some sand into the clay, it should help drainage a little
Good luck :)

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
There's not much point in giving him advice on how to prepare the soil, because he already planted. Some will probably sprout, but from what he's describing the soil is pretty poor. I wouldn't expect much out of it, but you never know.