Pinnaple Juice

legalize nature 420

Active Member
I am about 3 weeks from harvest and i was just wondering if I could pour some type of juice in the soil to add a fruity aroma? I heard pure OJ or pinnaple juice works if you do it right before harvest? Then again I heard that sugars in the juice can make the bud taste worse? Anybody have prior experience with this?


Well-Known Member
Shit, if you're going to go that route might as well ad some pink dye or some odd color to the mix and see what happens..lmao, but I would recommend not adding anything.


Well-Known Member
If you have an extra plant or a plant that’s not doing as well, go for it see what happens, if you do post the results.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt pour pineapple juice in the soil unless you are trying to grow mold! It has pulp in it, and it will mold!