PassIt's First SoG!!! Sour Diesle!


Well-Known Member
Thanks asdfva...i appreciate it. I know what I am doing...but I'm comming up into the cloning porcess which scares the shit outta me. I know how to clone once a cutting is made but I'm not exactly shure on where to take the cuttin from!


Well-Known Member
Just read... No shit. Just search RIU
and check out what others did. Look up some
threads by GardenKnowm, Tahoe, and Ganja
Father to name a few. They have all been here
and back again and can offer a lot of answers to
your questions. I personally, from what I have read,
would say to let your mother mature in a veg state
until her main stalk has reached a healthy strong
thickness. This would mean that the off-shots of
this stalk would be thick as well. Take clones of
well matured branches and they could, in turn, be
sent almost directly into flowering. Otherwise, a
healthy mother, not so thick in the stalk, could
easily give many clones that could be ready for
flowering within two weeks time. You already seem
to have good head on your shoulders... read the
plants. They have a lot to say. I will totally be
checking out your journal! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks once again. Decided to go get some root gel and my flower nutrients. Decided to go with RootTech...heard good things...and BioBizz Bloom (heard great things). So with this all said...this is going to be a totally oganic grow..


Well-Known Member
I figured I'd do an update. Holy shit! Thats all i have to say. 3 weeks old, 21 days when these pics were taken. Let me tell you...Boomer (the bushy one) is growing like mother. We are hoping it to be female so we can make clones. First couple picture are of Boomer and the other of skeet...and the both of them!

Will be starting the box soon! I have 4 seedlings gonna be put straight into 12/12 so we can see if the box works. Tommorow I'm making the reflectors...10 26watt CFLS in the 2750k range! Its gonna be great! Check the contest thread soon! Tell me when you guys think please any comments or suggestions let me know!



Well-Known Member
Tonight I just installed the lighst for our setup! 10 - 1750 lumen cfls. These lights put off 2750k temp. I figure this will be enough to do six safely starting right from clone into 12/12!
The dimensions of the box are 14"w x 22"h x 21" long! Okay you may think im stupid and wasteing my time....but I bet with proper nutrients and proper timing on the Purple Maxx...I will be able to have a successful outcome!
Clones will be comming on saturday hopefully...thats the plan! We will be taking them off whichever plant shows sex in the flower box. As soon as sex is shown...they will be placed back under veg for a week...then clones will be taken! Is this right? Tell me if I am wrong because they are gonna go into the Flower box sometime tommorow! Is this bad idea or what?

Heres are some pics of Day 23! The brances are getting taller than the actual plant...boomer is going crazy. This has to be a female for shure. The stunted upward growth is very shocking as well as her (hopefully) size for being 2 weeks old...very shocking...however the setup we have is very nice! Some pics of Boomer...the next of Skeet!

The first couple pics are of the box and the new clean as hell lighting system! Tell me what you think and be honest! The plants are going to be raised then lowered as they grow...when they get to a certain height...Purple Maxx will be added to the already nuted water which will be nuted with BioBizz Bloom. This will stop the plant from growing upward and stack the plant us nice fat buds!



Well-Known Member
Clones will be comming on saturday hopefully...As soon as sex is shown...they will be placed back under veg for a week...then clones will be taken! Is this right?
Just my suggestion... It will not hurt your plants
to KEEP them in Veg. I would take clones right now
from every potential mother plant, and put the clones
directly into flower and see what the sex is instead
of flower your main potential mothers and then taking
them back to veg. That's the kind of stress that makes
females hermie.

So just clip two clones from each plant currently in Veg.
Leave them in the dark for at least 12 hours and then
start them on 12/12 in your flowering box. That way
you can know(make sure you label which clone belongs
to which plant) what the sex is of each vegging plant
you have. Once you know, the mystery is gone, and
you haven't unnecessarily stressed out your potential
mothers that are currently in veg. They can stay in veg
and they will eventually start to show signs of sex any-
way. Play it safe. Don't risk the hermies.

Another suggestion is, since you are using CFL's to flower,
you have to be able to get those new CFL's as close to
the clones as possible. Like 1-2inches. Seriously. If you
don't do this, the clones will stretch up to the light quickly
and you won't have room to raise the light. Another, play
it safe tip.

EDIT: One last thing, you can never have too much with
CFL's. Just don't put the light on the underside of the plants
as they can get confused as to which direction the light is
coming from and will try to reach down to the light below.
Side lights however, and lights in the middle of plant hight
is perfectly fine and extremely helpful for full bloom.

PLEASE... anyone, with actual experience, correct me
if I am wrong. Good luck man, I think you will be having
a lot of fun with your setup!


Well-Known Member
We plan on having plenty of side lighting...I'm currently working on the ventilation system now! Its gonna be 2 big CPU fans sucking hot air out with a nice lil fan pulling some air in! This will create nice smooth airflow without being too loud! I will post pictures soon! you think just placing 2 of these CFL's in the middle of the box or maybe three between each row of two would be sufficient!?


Well-Known Member
oh....and the clones will be shelved so we dont have to move the lighst and mess with shitty chains and such. Will have pics tommorow hopefully! Ventilation pictures tonight if i can find some batteries!!!


Well-Known Member
Took Clones!!!

Heres some pictures! Fixed our ventilation problem. Computer fans rock! Check out our new Flower Box. We have desided to let this box stay on 24/0 while the mothers are off to the side on 18/6. We only took 2 clones from the one mother cause she was ready..we are hoping its a female. We are going to let them mature up a while...while the roots set in and after a week from today..the flower fox will be in full swing...12/12 next wed. Then we will keep adding plants and eventually start a ScroG setup off to the side where our mothers are growing now! Tell me what you think!

PS. My camera is bgeing a dickhead sorry for the bad quality. I have to get it fixed!

First is of skeep and second full plant shot is of boomer! Only boomer was a mother today. Soon Skeet will be a cloning subject.



Well-Known Member
anybody? how do they look you think the clones will take. I used a 45 degree angle with the scarrifcation method. I dipped in Rootech rooting gel and placed in wet Rockwool cubes that were Ph'ed to like 5.9


Well-Known Member
they look way to tell if they will root though...It should take 5-12 days for the roots to take in the rock wool....I try to take clones from the thick stems as opposed to thin ones..And I use the powder not the far ive never had a clone die on me...just keep the humidity up and make sure you don't over water them...just keep the rock wool moist and mist the foliage a couple times a day,...