Organic better flavor?


Well-Known Member
Haha lol mg taste better then organics?!
haha. Ive heard some crazy shit before, but that tops it all!!!
Ur experment is not even close to being valid or legit.
Hahaha excuse my rude humor but man..
LOL.....Did I even say it was scientific?!?! The whole point of that grow was to see how a plant would grow with just Miracle Grow compared the the mother grown in Happy Frog. The myths about Miracle Grow being crappy soil are unfounded as far as I'm concerned....and that thread proved it.

I only brought up the taste thing because my wife is an organic-nut and she could swear that she could tell the difference....when there was no difference. I've done the same with her with "organic" peanut-butter, and "organic" apples.....she's guessed wrong each time.

As far as my thoughts on the taste between MG and HF....the MG DID taste better, smoother, and didn't make either of us hork-up a lung...unlike the mother. I will admit much probably had more to do with the curing than anything.

I don't know why someone is so fired up about smoking something grown in bat-shit and poo-poo's nutrients like Jacks. Nitrogen is nitrogen, Phosphates are phosphates, and minerals are minerals. The plants don't know the difference.

More power to those of you that grow organically. There's a market for your product.


Well-Known Member
LOL.....Did I even say it was scientific?!?! The whole point of that grow was to see how a plant would grow with just Miracle Grow compared the the mother grown in Happy Frog. The myths about Miracle Grow being crappy soil are unfounded as far as I'm concerned....and that thread proved it.

I only brought up the taste thing because my wife is an organic-nut and she could swear that she could tell the difference....when there was no difference. I've done the same with her with "organic" peanut-butter, and "organic" apples.....she's guessed wrong each time.

As far as my thoughts on the taste between MG and HF....the MG DID taste better, smoother, and didn't make either of us hork-up a lung...unlike the mother. I will admit much probably had more to do with the curing than anything.

I don't know why someone is so fired up about smoking something grown in bat-shit and poo-poo's nutrients like Jacks. Nitrogen is nitrogen, Phosphates are phosphates, and minerals are minerals. The plants don't know the difference.

More power to those of you that grow organically. There's a market for your product.
she couldn't tell the difference because there was no difference in your tests.......... Are you sure you grew organic? If you used bottle nutes most likely it wasn't organic.


Active Member
I will grow organic for the single fact that it makes a naturally healthier and pest/disease resistant plant. Witch in turn gives you better end result. It was how nature intended.


Well-Known Member
I will grow organic for the single fact that it makes a naturally healthier and pest/disease resistant plant. Witch in turn gives you better end result. It was how nature intended.
In eighth grade I did a report on what's in a hotdog and even knowing the ingredients, I still eat them.

I used to have a saying "I drive way too fast to worry about what's in my food" that I'm older and drive slower....well, I am a bit more thoughtful of what I put in my mouth....thoughtful...but it doesn't stop me from eating it.


Well-Known Member
Chem grown was far more harsh, and milder taste and smell. They liked the smoothness and less coughing from organic. Granted my friend grew the hydro Chem death his way. The organic was way more stinky. personally I won't smoke anything grown with chems and guano for health reasons
These friends, they sound like lightweights. And read up on guano and chemicals, sounds like you do not have a clue.


Well-Known Member
I will grow organic for the single fact that it makes a naturally healthier and pest/disease resistant plant. Witch in turn gives you better end result. It was how nature intended.
Crispy....I commend you for being committed to something you believe. I really do.

Just for argument sake, as I personally don't care if someone likes organic over chemical nutrients, but for argument sake....

I mentioned bat shit before, and I must profess that I know nothing about how bat shit is collected and processed, but doesn't all shit have inherent health risk as far as consuming? I can't imagine a sterile environment where bat's are fed disease-free bugs and the poop on sterile trays that are rushed to some high-end sterilization process that magically turns it into power.

No I suspect that there's flies, and smell, and a not-so-sterile process of processing bat shit.

Worm castings.....that one I really can't figure out.

Again....I'm not putting down how anyone grows their weed. For the longest time I grew with Ocean Forest and General Organics nutrients. The weed was ok, the taste was nothing special, and the plants were much smaller and yielded much less than what I've been getting with Jack's.


Well-Known Member
These friends, they sound like lightweights. And read up on guano and chemicals, sounds like you do not have a clue.
you don't have a clue my friend. Read up on phytoremediation and cannabis. Mj will absorb chems and pathogens. When you flush you are ridding the plant of salt build up. When smoked. You absorb those same chemicals and pathogens. There's plenty of studies and articles on the matter.Why do you think true medical dispensary's do not accept chemical grown or even at some guano grown. Patients with diminished immune systems can't smoke that. Plus over time those chems and pathogens can weaken immune sytems, respiratory system and could lead to various types of cancer. I won't even buy the hydro grown baby lettuce from Costco


Active Member
Technically General Organics is vegan. I am interested in other opinions so feel free to express them. I do remember reading that some manure's are bad for compost if you use too much or if you do not let them break down enough b4 use. I'm not very experienced with manure compost but I will get there. I would be more concerned about chemicals from synthetic. Do you know exactly what is in MG? I really don't care either but your soil is manmade with cheap chemicals that are easily manufacture and all for turning a profit. I would rather not try it and do not understand why you would. It seems like a lazy way to start a grow. Do you flush before harvest?


Well-Known Member
I grow with hydroponic nutrients. I don't flush. I drop off the nitrogen sure. My results are great. I can invariably ask people to tell me if it's organic or hydroponic, they always say organic. Its all in removing nitrogen from the feed in flower. In soil you get what's there, sometimes too much.

Just my opinion and I'm sticking with it.


Well-Known Member
From Wikipedia:

"Bat guano is usually mined in caves and this mining is associated with a corresponding loss of troglobytic biota and diminishing of biodiversity. Guano deposits support a great variety of cave-adapted invertebrates, that rely on bat feces as their sole source of nutrition. In addition to the biological component, deep guano deposits of both kinds contain local paleoclimaticrecords in strata that have built up over thousands of years, which are unrecoverable once disturbed.The greatest damage caused by mining to caves with extant guano deposits is to the bat colonies themselves. Bats are highly vulnerable to regular disturbance to their roosts. Some species, such as Phyllonycteris aphylla, have low fat reserves, and will starve to death when regularly disturbed and put into a panic state during their resting period. Many species will drop pups when in panic, with subsequent death, leading to a steady reduction in population. Research in Jamaica has shown that mining for bat guano is directly related to the loss of bat species, associated invertebrates and fungi, and is the greatest threat to bat caves on the island."


Well-Known Member
I respect all opinions but y is there hydro chemical growers in the organic section trying to prove to a community that knows the truth?

obviously these post above me are growers that think they have a good product(in sure its ok..)But believe me trust, you, and your stoner friends that try your herb, are obviously un aware of what dank organic really is.

btw, dude above me, probley works for miracle grow hahaha lol bat poop


Well-Known Member
I respect all opinions but y is there hydro chemical growers in the organic section trying to prove to a community that knows the truth?

obviously these post above me are growers that think they have a good product(in sure its ok..)But believe me trust, you, and your stoner friends that try your herb, are obviously un aware of what dank organic really is.

btw, dude above me, probley works for miracle grow hahaha lol bat poop
I personally don't grow with Miracle Grow with the exception of the grow I linked. I think that MG is good for new growers that haven't a clue how to replenish nutrients correctly. Look at all the newbie plant problems....the bulk of them are nutrient-related. Doing a first grow with MG eliminates a shit-ton of new grower mistakes.


Active Member
Most of them are over watering issues. Or over feeding too early. Witch would be worse in MG since it retains too much H20 and has time release ferts witch only adds more shit to the soil that you can't flush out. Causing over feeding. A new grower IMA should learn starting with the right methods that will improve his/her skills if they make an error. How would you truly learn about the plants needs if you just add water?


Well-Known Member
Technically General Organics is vegan. I am interested in other opinions so feel free to express them. I do remember reading that some manure's are bad for compost if you use too much or if you do not let them break down enough b4 use. I'm not very experienced with manure compost but I will get there. I would be more concerned about chemicals from synthetic. Do you know exactly what is in MG? I really don't care either but your soil is manmade with cheap chemicals that are easily manufacture and all for turning a profit. I would rather not try it and do not understand why you would. It seems like a lazy way to start a grow. Do you flush before harvest?

General Organics is not organic either, they lie like alot of the companies do. Their nutes are full of heavy metals and chems

bio thrive bloom has Indole3 Butyric Acid, Naphthaleneacetic Acid, Phosphorous Acid, Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, Lead, Nickel. All very bad chems and some poisons....


Active Member
Would these be worse most other nutrients not labeled organic? It tells you everything it's derived from on the bottle. Are some of those chemicals listed naturally in the nutrients?


Well-Known Member you have any bad news about Jack's Classic?
Well, I would say the bad news about Jack's Classic is that repeated use will kill off any beneficial microorganisms you may have living in your medium. I hope you aren't also wasting money on mycorrhizal fungi or other inoculates, cause they probably ain't alive anymore.


Well-Known Member
Would these be worse most other nutrients not labeled organic? It tells you everything it's derived from on the bottle. Are some of those chemicals listed naturally in the nutrients?
it doesn't tell you everything. that was the point of that post. Its just as bad ass all the other chem ones.. you have any bad news about Jack's Classic?
They are on the stop sale, use, or removal order. They are not legal for sale or distribution in Oregon for not registering and mislabeling their products. J.R. Peters Inc makes Jacks Classic


Well-Known Member
Well, I would say the bad news about Jack's Classic is that repeated use will kill off any beneficial microorganisms you may have living in your medium. I hope you aren't also wasting money on mycorrhizal fungi or other inoculates, cause they probably ain't alive anymore.
Nope..........not wasting my money on any of that.


Well-Known Member
it doesn't tell you everything. that was the point of that post. Its just as bad ass all the other chem ones..

They are on the stop sale, use, or removal order. They are not legal for sale or distribution in Oregon for not registering and mislabeling their products. J.R. Peters Inc makes Jacks Classic

That appears to be only one of Peter's product (5-6-12 SNC PS Mix)...not sure what unregistered is all about.