*** Online Growing School 101 ***


Well-Known Member
I drilled a hole near the top of the unit and fed the hose from the pump to the bubble bar that will sit on the bottom of the res.

The bubble bar

The pump

It holds 2 gallons of water which fills it to the correct height

The unit in place... I'll be adding 6 Snow White clones in a few days and we'll see how long it takes them to root

The unit isnt the prettiest thing but for $36.00 I think I'll have an effective cloner. We'll see soon enough!

hey we must shop at the same store. but anyway the air pump you showed will not be enough air and only one air stone.atleast thats what i have been told. i was told to keep the water level atleast 1/2" below cutting or cube. the air bubbles should break the surface and wet the cutting or cube and to leave the air pump on 24/7 just my 2 hits:peace:and:weed:


Well-Known Member
hey we must shop at the same store. but anyway the air pump you showed will not be enough air and only one air stone.atleast thats what i have been told. i was told to keep the water level atleast 1/2" below cutting or cube. the air bubbles should break the surface and wet the cutting or cube and to leave the air pump on 24/7 just my 2 hits:peace:and:weed:
I agree. I upgraded to a 60 gallon pump and added an additional 12 inch bubble stone. NOW she's ready to produce clones!



Active Member
After I transfer my babies to bigger containers (2 gallon containers), how long do you think I should wait to take cuttings? A couple of days?



Well-Known Member
i did not get any signs of shock when i transplanted my plants.
and to tell you the truth i think it makes them start to grow faster.

these pics were taken 8 days after i transplanted them



Well-Known Member
B1 with micro chealeted nutes/sea kelp.

I use the same light. You can add more floro's or purchase the T5'--they come in a variety of configurations--1/2/4/6/8 bulb all in 24" or 48". How big you grow your plants will determine the light configuration you need--I have an 8bulb-48" and a 4bulb 24". If your plants will take up all the space of a 24"x48" then you will need a 6 or 8bulb 48".
thanks. sorry doc i forgot to mention that i was only going to use these lights for the first 7 or 8 days right after i see them poke through the soil. Then i will switch to a 400w hps setup for the rest of veg and into flower. i just need to wait to get the money so in the meantime do you think that two 24" T5's or T8's will be sufficiant for the first seven to ten days of 12 seedlings?

what do u think about these? how many would i need?



Well-Known Member
hey we must shop at the same store. but anyway the air pump you showed will not be enough air and only one air stone.atleast thats what i have been told. i was told to keep the water level atleast 1/2" below cutting or cube. the air bubbles should break the surface and wet the cutting or cube and to leave the air pump on 24/7 just my 2 hits:peace:and:weed:
Hey be carefull with your home made hood, i used some of those foil tray things with cfl's & it burnt the shit out of my plant
OOOPS quoted the wrong person..


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures of the 3 strains in my current grow. I flipped the 600 off so you could actually see some color. Note that the Mag deficiency is starting to look a little better on the PPP.

This Snow White female will mother my next grow.

This strain/plant sure is stretchy but it is a beautiful full blown Sativa. I hope it turns out to be a female. There are 6 of these in this grow. If 3 turn out to be female. I'll be happy.



Well-Known Member
Looks like Nitrogen burn to me. What soil are you in, and how old are your plants? Most decent soils will provide all the nutes a plant needs in its first three weeks so, if you're inside that time frame, I'd cut out added nutes for awhile.

N-burn starts low and moves up. I'd just water with plain water until you're confident that your next set of leaves up aren't taking on the symptoms, then start back with FF nutes weekly, but at half-strength at first.

BTW, the current level of burn on your plants is not serious -- they'll pull thru it as long you don't keep dosing them. But, those burned leaves will never return to normal.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
thanks. sorry doc i forgot to mention that i was only going to use these lights for the first 7 or 8 days right after i see them poke through the soil. Then i will switch to a 400w hps setup for the rest of veg and into flower. i just need to wait to get the money so in the meantime do you think that two 24" T5's or T8's will be sufficiant for the first seven to ten days of 12 seedlings?

what do u think about these? how many would i need?

Just pick up some cheap low watt floro tubes in 24" -more than ample light for the first 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I have them in 10 Oz. cup. I will Leach them with 20 oz of water. Think that would be good? Or just water them until it comes out the bottom alittle?

I think I might go ahead and transplant to 1gallon size pots with FF oceanForest since they are 3 weeks old. How long will it be before I need to add nutes to the Ocean Forest, Since I am transplanting?

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
They are ready to clone and sex but I can't tell you how freakin busy I've been---so many things going on. Will try to work in the cloning tonight and post pics tomorrow--thanks for asking.