Obama the back stabber tobacco snatcher... [WARNING RANT INSIDE!!]

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

Before anyone jumps to conclusions i am a fan of niether part but for this election I really wish we went with the elephant.

Prior to the election i was seeing a ton of chatter about obama and his (s.p. lean-ya-ent) policy toward marijuana laws.

Since hes been in office i haven't heard one good thing hes done, well tell you the truth about anything. But the latest thing ive heard is hes banning all flavored tobacco products.

If this is true its a direct or semi-direct attack towards pot smokers. All of our dutch-masters, phillys, games you name it will all be removed from the shelves. Leaving us with ...:wall: .... things like swishers. EWW!!

All blunts from then on forward are either going to suck or be imports. God this sucks.

I mean what else has he done? Cigarette prices and tobacco products have gone through the roof. During the bush administion dutches cost 1.25 now there at 2.00 and some places 2.50.


This is a personal message to obama to be delievered by the TFA or feds when they see this...

Dear President Obama,

...That is all

Best wishes,
Hopefully a large majority of the Rollitup community.

Am i right or am i right. Anyone out there agree with me?


Well-Known Member
actually or has it been beaten to death. I haven't been on here in awhile.
You are certainly beating a dead horse. And the solution is so simple. You want tobacco, grow tobacco. You want tomatoes, grow tomatoes. You want weed, grow weed. You want Obama out of office, vote for republicans next year. See how easy that is?

Look at every other thread on this forum - Obama is hitler, Obama kills babies, Obama likes poor people. Oh my:o

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
You are certainly beating a dead horse. And the solution is so simple. You want tobacco, grow tobacco. You want tomatoes, grow tomatoes. You want weed, grow weed. You want Obama out of office, vote for republicans next year. See how easy that is?

Look at every other thread on this forum - Obama is hitler, Obama kills babies, Obama likes poor people. Oh my:o
Growing tobacco isn't gunna give me a vanilla sport or grape dutch master though.

Sorry for the repost.



Active Member
whether its been 'beaten to death' is entirely subjective since many here can never seem to get their fill.
however it is a brutally overused thread topic.


Active Member
No more grape swishers!!!:cry: Fuck em! Go to your local smoke shop and look for flavored smoking oils. Thats about the only substitute I can offer.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
No more grape swishers!!!:cry: Fuck em! Go to your local smoke shop and look for flavored smoking oils. Thats about the only substitute I can offer.
Hell know im getting like 200,000 boxes imported and giving them to everyone. =)

Big P

Well-Known Member
i moved out of my mommys house 13 years ago,

i guess i got a new one now:confused:

was steaming crock of shit



Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm not defending Obama... but seriously?? Obama is banning flavored tobaccos? OBAMA isn't the one who regulates tobacco. Now, it's the FDA. THE FDA is prohibiting "candy flavors" in tobacco, NOT OBAMA. Congress passed the bill that gave the FDA control over tobacco, and Obama signed it, but other than that it's out of his hands. He's not in charge of the FDA, so if they're banning fruit flavors, then you have beef with them, not with Obama.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Have to agree with fdd , why grow kickass bud and turn around and f**k it up with a tobacco leaf.
Well i agree with that to thing of it ive only once smoked the bud i grew in a blunt. But the ratio of bud i smoke to homegrown is like 200:1

I dont grow that much anymore because i live in a where gunna fuck you in ass state. In a couple years im gunna try and move out to cali, see if one of you knows how to get the hook up with a med card.


Active Member
Have to agree with fdd , why grow kickass bud and turn around and f**k it up with a tobacco leaf.
not if you buy commercial bud. For those that like tabacco and bud, this is the only way to go. You don't straight inhale, you smoke it like a 'spliff', an actual spliff (tobacco and weed).

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I used to smoke blunts back in the day, but if I were to roll now, it would be Zags. Blunts are too harsh, and like others said, It screws up the flavor. I prefer glass though. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
please, for the sake of being beautifully, entirely and naturally high, forsake tobacco. it doesn't make it go further, it just makes you smoke more mix. it doesn't enhance anything, it makes you sick.

i'm not saying 'don't smoke cigs' i just reckon you shouldn't violate beautifull bud with tobacky

peace :)


Well-Known Member
oh and let him ban yer flavoured tobacco, it's not the biggest loss and there are governments out there banning much worse. if it prevents even one kid taking up cigs then it's already worth it eh. mwa


Active Member
I am missing my Bali Shag Gold spliffs.
Beat Lawmakers to death with the limbs of Lobbyist.....that's the plan.