Obama: ...I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice," he tells '


Well-Known Member
so, you're saying that it doesn't matter who we elect, we'll just keeping getting the same shit that the people who hold the real power in this country want us to get?
btw, i tend to agree with this line of thought, and think the whole republican / democratic thing is two sides of the same shit stained coin..

kind of depressing though really isn't it? if this is true, then no matter what the will of the people want, we'll continue getting more of the same, and say please and thank you even before and after our butt sex... what's the point? i guess one president from time to time does manage to make an occasional law or two that might have an effect, but over all, they're just doing as told like the rest of us..
Not the first time we've been here. But, in the past, social forces would usually be able to effect change. Different world today. We spend a ridiculous mount of GDP on homeland security. When even a limp-dicked movement like occupy wall street draws that much gub'mint ire, what chance is there of anything revolutionary? News flash, Obama announces that NSA may not keep our mail in the future. Hooray (golf clap) How low have our standards gotten?


Well-Known Member
Obama ALSO SAID he was going to leave the medical dispensaries alone, yet a week after that RAIDS! I reverse everything he says and it makes sense....


bud bootlegger
if the law is changed, what's to stop 45 from changing it back?
it would be much harder to change a law back, say like the aca, then it would be to enforce something that's already in law..
even the repubs who can't stand the aca for the most part, acknowledge that it's here to stay...


Well-Known Member
it would be much harder to change a law back, say like the aca, then it would be to enforce something that's already in law..
even the repubs who can't stand the aca for the most part, acknowledge that it's here to stay...
wanna know how easy it would be to change it back? one stoned driver takes out a little girl. boom, see ya.

it's been two weeks since they started selling weed, how quick do you honestly expect it to happen?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I can say guns are more dangerous then knives.. and still dislike knives..
I can't unequivocally say that. But it would be fascinating to look at the statistics. My guess would be that gunshot wounds though more damaging upon exposure occur far less frequently than knife wounds. So though more dramatic and with a greater propensity to morbidity and mortality with each exposure the sheer rate of occurrence could make knife wounds the greater public health issue.

These mundane assumptions are what health care revolutions are built upon LOL. Identifying the simple obvious assumption that might not be so simple, nor so obvious.


bud bootlegger
wanna know how easy it would be to change it back? one stoned driver takes out a little girl. boom, see ya.

it's been two weeks since they started selling weed, how quick do you honestly expect it to happen?
umm, never, because i don't believe cannabis impairs driving in any way like alcohol does.. i've yet to see any test that shows me otherwise.. i drive stoned all of the time.. i've also driven drunk at a much younger age.. i've wised up and realize driving drunk is a bad idea, but some how the same wisdom hasn't lead me to believe the same about driving stoned..
what's the worst that's going to happen? someone sits at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green? that doesn't sound like impairment in the way that driving with a b.a.c of over .08 does..


Well-Known Member
umm, never, because i don't believe cannabis impairs driving in any way like alcohol does.. i've yet to see any test that shows me otherwise.. i drive stoned all of the time.. i've also driven drunk at a much younger age.. i've wised up and realize driving drunk is a bad idea, but some how the same wisdom hasn't lead me to believe the same about driving stoned..
what's the worst that's going to happen? someone sits at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green? that doesn't sound like impairment in the way that driving with a b.a.c of over .08 does..
i just googled "stoned driver kills..." and no shortage of ammo there.

like i said, if 45 wanted to change it back, (s)he's only one adorable little child underneath the wheel of a stoned driver away from the needed impetus.


bud bootlegger
i just googled "stoned driver kills..." and no shortage of ammo there.

like i said, if 45 wanted to change it back, (s)he's only one adorable little child underneath the wheel of a stoned driver away from the needed impetus.
plenty of people get killed by drunk drivers, but the 21st still stands..


bud bootlegger
i just googled "stoned driver kills..." and no shortage of ammo there.

like i said, if 45 wanted to change it back, (s)he's only one adorable little child underneath the wheel of a stoned driver away from the needed impetus.
and zomg, a news agency would actually publish a sensationalized piece saying that stoned driving was bad?? get out of town, i don't believe it, how dare they..
i'm talking peer reviewed studies, not some biased news quip put out by faux news..


Ursus marijanus
I can't unequivocally say that. But it would be fascinating to look at the statistics. My guess would be that gunshot wounds though more damaging upon exposure occur far less frequently than knife wounds. So though more dramatic and with a greater propensity to morbidity and mortality with each exposure the sheer rate of occurrence could make knife wounds the greater public health issue.

These mundane assumptions are what health care revolutions are built upon LOL. Identifying the simple obvious assumption that might not be so simple, nor so obvious.
I just spent some time looking for relevant statistics. I didn't have much success. Too many partial or filtered or conditioned studies for me to make heads or tails of them, or to trust suck potenntially massaged datasets. I'll bet the data have been compiled (and analyzed 5 different ways), but they seem to be gatekept.


Well-Known Member
Wanna get really depressed? look up clinicaltrials dot gov and search Sativex™ ... it's being positioned as methadone for stoners. It will be the Gov't-approved, Pharma-monopolized, insurance-enabled go-to treatment for those who just can't shake the devil of relapsing dependence to those soul-rotting marijooanas.

this has been on my radar for some time. We've seen the power that big pharma yields in this country and sativex is blockade to legalization.

umm, never, because i don't believe cannabis impairs driving in any way like alcohol does.. i've yet to see any test that shows me otherwise.. i drive stoned all of the time.. i've also driven drunk at a much younger age.. i've wised up and realize driving drunk is a bad idea, but some how the same wisdom hasn't lead me to believe the same about driving stoned..
what's the worst that's going to happen? someone sits at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green? that doesn't sound like impairment in the way that driving with a b.a.c of over .08 does..
literally chuckled out loud at this. I got pulled over in high school 4 doors down from my from the house. I told the cop that I didn't think I was speeding, he said "no son, you were doing 5". Luckily he went to school with my sister and had a crush on her. He followed me home and made sure I went in. That was the 80's, the 00's I would have been arrested.


Well-Known Member
what you claimed he said: Obama ALSO SAID he was going to leave the medical dispensaries alone

what he actually said: What I’m not going to be doing is using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue, individuals whose actions are in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana.

so all you have to do now is show me one single instance of an individual who was in "clear and unambiguous compliance" with state laws being prosecuted by obama's justice department.

one single example will do. so go ahead.

i've played this game before, i know how it ends.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I just spent some time looking for relevant statistics. I didn't have much success. Too many partial or filtered or conditioned studies for me to make heads or tails of them, or to trust suck potenntially massaged datasets. I'll bet the data have been compiled (and analyzed 5 different ways), but they seem to be gatekept.
Um.... ok ;) whatchya drinking?