NYC explosion..


Well-Known Member
I understand the punching saying, but i don't know what false flag means. Ive heard the term but never paid it no mind till now.
Yeah, that was a terrible answer. If i had made a comment about it being a false flag, it would have been a parody of the couple of goofballs that seem to use it a lot in dead earnestness.

First of all, you can't false flag if there is no flag. Duh.

False flags have been the darling of the right-wing conspiracy nuts for the last decade. They have always loved them but now they are over the moon. There is not a mass shooting that they have not deemed a false flag in order to shift public perception and allow Hillary to take their guns.


Well-Known Member
As far as ISIS being involved...

Well maybe. But what is the fucking difference really? You cannot bomb or kill an idea with drones and soldiers.

If ISIS is involved it is probably along the following lines. Young male probably suffering from untreated mental illness. Feels alienated from society. Becomes radicalized - a human trait as I am sure we can all recognize from reading this board. (Psssst, i don't mean you). The mental illness takes the shit that they read on the internet to a whole new level and suddenly they are an important part of the world. They build a bomb. They blow it up. Now they are special.

What's the difference is they love ISIS or some other bullshit organization or movement?


Well-Known Member
As far as why now? It is the internet. I am 100% sure of it. Never before have people been able to interact on this level. It goads the nutjobs into action.

Mass communication brings out a characteristic in people hitherto unseen. Some strange flocky, paniky thing. We will evolve or die. Another day in the jungle.


Well-Known Member
Who ever woulda profited from it most the US and her allies.
Really? You find this to be a hard and fast rule?

Like saying that the king's son is always guilty of the king being poisoned. Somehow it couldn't be the king's privy guard who would inherit less?

I don't even know what you are talking about but I was struck by your ridiculous assertion. Just wanted to let you know.


Well-Known Member
Or here's a real world situation. Somehow the Russians were behind the 1956 Anglo-Frog Suez Canal invasion. After all, the Russians benefited most from the whole thing by having the world's attention drawn off of the crushing of Hungary. Perhaps it was a false flag.


Well-Known Member
Yea see I don't really believe that, no offense. Im not a huge politics guy. I do think the box cutter people did 911.
He's a known crank. Flat earther, faked moon landing, 911 inside job, you name it. Reality isn't complicated enough.