NY purple widow outdoor 2009


Well-Known Member
I went with a White Widdow....Its a pretty hard strain to fuck up and outdoors the strain i got was huge so i'm hopeing for big things....I gotta charge my camera i'll take some picks for ya like i said my biggest plant is atleast 8ft if not bigger and has bud sites all over the place.....There already getting heavy i'm gonna have to stake the shit outta them!!!


Active Member
So I gave them a dose of neptunes harvest fish emulsion and seaweed fertilizer along with bone meal and a bit of superthrive today. Took care of the bugs with neem oil too. Unfortunately one of my larger plants is growing male balls so i must return tonight to kill it. They are doing well since last time with a bit of new growth and mixed results in response to the LST. It has been hot for here, mid to upper eighties for a few days and weeks to come.

Should I tie down the branches of the large purple widow? It has nice growth and I'm not sure if it will grow more bud this way. Mainly I dont want it to look like a christmas tree.


Active Member
Thanks 420, hopefully I dont have any more pest problems.

So I have discovered and taken care of 2 males, leaving me with 4 fems and 1 mystery. The second largest purple widow is starting to flower too! White hairs are popping up all over the place- I counted 8 different bud sites so far.

Pictured here is the largest purple widow. Its a poor pic but this plant has very prolific branching and is very healthy. Probably because I didnt try LST on it. The others that have been bent over didnt really respond too well, mainly because bugs ate the new growth.

If anyone has suggestions for specific bloom nutes let me know. I'm trying to keep it mainly organic because i've heard it makes the buds taste better.



Active Member
My largest, healthiest plant grew some balls and it makes me very sad. It is just about 5 ft tall and I was predicting about a half pound if it was a female. bummer. That leaves me with 3 females, only one purple widow- which is budding up nicely.

Got the foxfarm bloom 3 pack- tiger bloom, big bloom and grow big, so I should start to see them fatten up in the weeks to come.

Learned so many things for next year- #1 being buy feminized seeds.

I have some pics of the buds but I'll upload them later.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
that seems to be correct
males tend to grow at a faster rate
same with my best looking one until it was a male i put soo much attention into that plant
now i got 4 nice big healty females
well not that big a little over a foot