Nugbuckets all organic, all medical, all legal super yum!


Well-Known Member
:leaf:All the girls are set, 2 Wappa (Paradise), 2 Goddess (Green Poison-Sweet Seeds), 4 Red Dragons (Barney's Farm), and a Mandala#1 (Mandala Seeds) male. My goal is one pound of premium dank. (no flarfy bud allowed....only serious jar nug) I am certain if I had 8 Wappas, I would easily reach the yield goal. But in my experience, Goddess and the Dragon are not quite the producers like the Wappa, but I am hoping with my tweaks in my soil mix, and the addition of Co2, I can push some hefty colas. Here is a good representative of a young Wappa. I just love this strain!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey Jose, i have used gels in the past by technoflora....the good stuff, and had decent results. But now I use a powder called Root-tone with a fungicide and a heat mat. Since I started using the heat mat, I rarely ever have a cut that does not take, which is good for a grower like myself, who usually is working with just a few seeds, and very small scale cloning. When I sprout a seed to flower, I only veg it until I can cut the very bottom two clones, then into the flower room it goes. So I am only working with two cuts per plant, so I have to have a system that offers a high percentage of success, and I have got it down pretty has been a long while since I had to trash a failed cut. Nugs


Well-Known Member
Found out today that some new genetics are on the way into my grow space pretty soon. TGA's "Qrazy-Train", TH-Seeds "Mendocino Madness", and SensiSeeds "Mr. Nice"......If any of you all have any experience with these strains, please feel free to enlighten me....Thanks, Nugs


Well-Known Member
day 10 flower......they look great, very healthy....temps average 70, humidity 35%. Gave them a good neeming with a pump sprayer. measured their run-off with plain H2O and it was 1350 PPM, so plenty strong, too strong actually, hence the slight leaf-tip curl on a few of them. So continue straight H2O till week four, then I will evaluate by leaf color, for possible supplementation. Would be cool to have a straight organic H2O run!


imagine ur looking for somebody else to stop by, lol. not sure why it's so quiet. i'm sure it'll pic up once the bud pics start coming in. i think they look great man. keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro, it is certainly the slow time, it is looking like the Wappa and the Goddess are starting to flower earlier than the Red Dragon, and the Dragon is a nine/ten week strain, so I am going to start a staggered flower scene for the next run to keep it more exciting. I just happen to have four Dragons, or half the space, so I will harvest the Wap and Goddess at 8 weeks, and run the dragon long, and fill the empty space with my next four girls. I hope my new beans come soon. I am excited to get em' sprouted, I am ready for something new. {pics to come on Sunday, that is my day to listen to NFL football, and work with the girls). Peace, Nugs:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey bro - looking really good! I'm interested in the Wappa and the Mandala #1. I've got some 'Beyond the Brain' seeds from Mandala that will be in my spring grow I think. Have you grown the Wappa before? Does it top and LST well?

Cheers! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey dayzt, the wappa is a winner! she will do everything, and shes early, about 55 days, and rock hard nugs. She is short and stocky too. I am breeding wappa and mandala#1 in this run, and looking forward to the chilren'. pics coming tonight....peace, nugs


Well-Known Member
end of week two

Another week already, another neem treatment, a very light feeding, some new reflectix by easy grow installed in the room, and the ladies are looking good. Very healthy and throwing some pistils. The Red Dragon is a real slow starter, hopefully in a week they will be getting it on. Plan to fertilize the Goddess and Wappa with some Mandala #1 pollen at the end of this week. This is my early favorite Wappa #1 Peace, Nugs


Well-Known Member
End Of Week Three

Alright, things are going real well, no problems. Everything is real healthy and strong. Going to give them a heavier feeding to jump start the "mass" phase. They are just starting to throw some trichs, and soon they will be smelling wonderful. They are much taller than I was anticipating, so I will need to adjust their stackable buckets to even out the canopy, I can only raise my lights another eight inches, so I am hoping they are almost done with their push. My new favorite is a real short and chunky Goddess...check it. Enjoy the pics...see you soon. Nugs:peace:


Well-Known Member
You can see that the Dragon is way behind the Goddess and the Wappa. I also pollinated the girls today with the Mandala#1 pollen.


Well-Known Member
Thought I would share my fool proof cloning system with yous. I have messed around with numerous methods, and settled on this as to be the one with the highest success rate. I rarely have a cut that ever fails with this method.
I use a blend of my flower mix soil and Farfards 3-B, half and half. And then 2 by 2 (wrapper-less) rock-wool cubes. I use Root-tone powder. I just use this little bin I found at wal-mart, and drill some drain-age holes and breather holes in it. After a 1 inch layer of soil in the tray, Get the cuts in the cubes, and cubes in the tray, and back-fill with the soil. Water in, cover on, put under 1 42 watt CFL 20 hour cycle or more, place elevated over a heat mat by about two inches, and spray each day, for the first five days until roots show in the clear bottom. I give the roots a few more days (after photo) then transplant into individual containers. Not as easy as an ez-cloner, but a lot cheaper. I just went 12 for 12 in this run....I would be surprised to lose one. Enjoy the pics. Peace, Nugs
P.S. the bin has a clear cover not in photos.


Well-Known Member
week four and a half.
Well it is New years eve, and the girls are looking great, no problems. They are smelling wonderful, and are the perfect size, finally done stretching, lights are set, and we are ready to watch them pack on some mass. They are just beginning to show some yellow in the very lowest leaves, and the seeds are forming right on schedule. They should have no problems yielding 2 oz. each. The Goddess and Wappa will be much earlier than the Red Dragon. Enjoy the pics. And Happy New Year!


Well-Known Member
Happy New Year everyone!

Hoping to start the new year off with a bang. This is my next run, and the first "single strain" run I have tried. These are "Jewelweed" clones. My personal breeding project. The genetics are a selected west coast Diesel X Bubblegum X Wappa. She kicks ass. I am excited to run a consistent line-up of clones. They will be run in 5 gallons of super-soil, with very little supplementation. My goal again will be a pound of dank, with eight plants, but this time I want to achieve a very level canopy, so I will be topping these pretty heavy, and growing them super stout just inches under my T-8, while I wait for my flowering girls to finish. Peace and Health to all of you in the New Year! Nugs.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Mr. Nice is some good smoke. You have a nice collection of strains.
Thats what I heard, I have a buddy that grows it in No-Cal, and it was a real winner this year. Excited to get my hands on some of what TGA has to offer. Hopefully within the week.


Well-Known Member
DAY 41 FLOWER Quick update, started water only on day 40, getting pretty nice looking in the flower room. All of a sudden, the Dragon is starting to explode! Big round-ended terminal buds that look like they are getting ready to foxtail real hard. Enjoy the pics. Nugs:leaf: