Not sure... +rep

Dank Hands

Active Member
I sill vote for gnats. They dont have to be flying around, they could have a bunch that have gotten wet a bunch of times and been trying to survive in the soil. Anyway whatever it is you can kill it with numberous products(some organic)


Well-Known Member
little update here had family over for a few days so i havent checked my room in a few.

complete disaster occurred in my absence

first off my lights fell on 1/3 of my canopy so once dense icey buds are now shriveled up and crispy.

still no flyers nor under pot since i used lysol i scooped out a handful of coir to only find that the handful was infested with creatures so im at a loss.. my plants have improved buds looking bigger juicer, prolly only weeks away from harvest should i let them ripen nd finish should i cut them now? i mean either way im gonna have a nice harvest basicly the longer the better quality.

i don't see the point in getting something to try and kill them off now depending on what is suggested after the harvest i will break the room down and immaculate the whole room. it was kinda makeshift to begin with so it would be good to start anew


Well-Known Member
i am almost 98% certain that they are springtails i have a pocket micro scope and it almost looks identical to the pictures i see on google it jumps and they don't fly. and they are soo small that you can barley even see them.

all these pictures of bugs is making me itch

Jug Stomper

Well-Known Member
I have springtails too or I think at least, from those photos its either spring tails or termites. I found mine in the drainage from my smart pots, maybe mine are underneith as well. What do you plan to do?


Well-Known Member
well as far as i know termites don't jump. if its termites they could be in the whole house so... but its a new house (less then 5yrs) so i really don't think its them

from what iv read springtails are somewhat beneficial they eat the dead organic matter and some of the finer root hairs in big plants they dont really hurt anything in seedlings they could stunt growth but nothing major.

they are a result of over watering and excess moister.

non the less they are still bugs and are kinda eery imo so i got some neem oil hopefully that will do somthing about them. not a big deal but still a issue that i think needs to be adressed.

there isnt any specific chemical for them so watering less frequently might do it.