Nongreenthumb Vs. Chronic Productionz


Well-Known Member
yeah i can your mums here too so i can use her toes to, ive used everything else on her so might aswell get my 2 cents worth


Well-Known Member
special effort today, so I can drop myself to your level lol

anyway dude, time for a break i need to smoke some of this white widow i got earlier.


Well-Known Member
haha have fun

peace oh and Well, they do say opposites I sincerely hope you meet somebody who is attractive, honest, intelligent, and cultured.

lol peace


Well-Known Member
yeah... Wish I could smoke something other than these cigarettes. The closest I've gotten to high since like Newyears day is waking up in the morning and smoking a cigarette and getting light headed....

Life's a bitch.


Well-Known Member
do a cig fountain
get a 2l coke bottle
make a decent size hole in the lid
and a little hole on the side of the bottle right at the bottom
cover the lid with foil and press in a little to get a dip
make loads of little holes in the tin foil and fill with tobacco
fill the bottle with water covering over the hole you made
put the lid on with the tobacco in and screw it on tight
light the tobacco and release your finger from the hole at the bottom to let the water out
the water will empty out quickly and replace it with smoke
unscrew and inhale as much as you can, you will probably have to lie down for at least ten mins after this.


Well-Known Member
That's how I smoke my weed
I've tried it with tabaco burns...

Only mine is a 16oz coke bottle I have the hole up top then I taped a socket on top of it and put a screen inside..... but I got tired of the water having to re fill it so I put another hole in it as a choke... works well for weed.


Well-Known Member
hahahah nice bantering folks. some of that shit was a little toooo absurd, and nasty there nongreen. but a nice war nonetheless. as for tobacco gravs thats fuckin nastdisgusting. do that with weed. and dont use tinfoil, unless you want alzhiemers.