Nongreenthumb Vs. Chronic Productionz


Well-Known Member
There now he can have his thread back HAHA.:joint:

I didn't wanna put it in any other room just one that actually has to deal with nothing haha.


Well-Known Member
I knew what monsieur is (my favorite movie is Phantom of the Opera) So I've picked up on the language after watching it for all my life haha.

Just didn't know what you ment by ringpiece at first cause the whole wedding thing we were just talkin about ha


Well-Known Member
it is saturday night so it must be

-----------------FIGHT NIGHT ----------------------

no rules except for this is a bitch fight lol

the bitchier the better now lets have your best chronic


Well-Known Member
Oh I didn't see the fight night thing... uuummm

Your girl said she'd be home in a little bit. She's just now leaving. DAMN is she good haha


Well-Known Member
that your best ha ha ha ha ha

ok this is what i am upto and why i sent my girl round to you

Your mum is lying on my bed being done up the arse by your grandad while your grandma pisses on your mums face and you dad wipes bacon all over his cock and gets kitti to lick it off and I'm filming and going to put it on the net and make $$$$$$$$$$$$


Well-Known Member
Haha one that's funny as hell two my mom and grandma are at the movies. Three yeeeeeah you have a sick mind.

Wasn't my best just not in a bitchy mood. lol.


Well-Known Member
Haha riiight. how you gunna video tape anything when you too poor. Even if you COULD manage to get a camera how you even goin to video tape it? you couldn't see over the bed you're so damn short. 1 foot nothing. You're girl was so happy to have a real dick and not that little needle dick of your's that you jack of with some tweezers....


Well-Known Member
I heard you like to save your mothers used tampons up and when the year is done you like nothing more than a tampon stu


Well-Known Member
The closest you ever got to getting laid, was when mary (18 yrs old) asked if you wanted to see her vagina, you said no as you dont like that state its too hot


Well-Known Member
I saw you momma the other day she was taking a piss on her hands, I said what you doing bitch, she said you gotta get cleaned up before you hit the streets.