Non-Haters Small T5 Winter Grow


Well-Known Member
ya know i never really noticed... did you have to hit em up a second time with pollen? but anyway congrats on the beens in the oven!!!


Well-Known Member
Now she is looking fine and pregnant lol.
She's got that glow to her:bigjoint:

ya know i never really noticed... did you have to hit em up a second time with pollen? but anyway congrats on the beens in the oven!!!
Thanks stoney! No I didn't have to hit her up again which makes me happy. First try and success some buds pollinated and some not. All I did was, took the plant out of the room then touch the buds I wanted pollinated with a q tip with some pollin on it. Waited five minutes and sprayed her down then put her back. :leaf:

hey PBF, that's awesome man.
Thanks DOC! Best part is the male I used was actually a rare male to female herm:-)

great job :weed:
Thanks gumball!

Aw man, teasing us with 2 pictures?! cmooooon dewwwdd! haha but seriously though, they looks pretty dam smexy.
Haha thanks man! and since you said somethin..

Not pollinated..


Looked back and these girls are 27days into 12/12 with a transplant 4 days in:leaf:



Well-Known Member
The bud shots you see are that same two plants. The first pic is the same plant (sandie) as pic three. I just pollinated the lower branches leaving the higher buds on sandie not un touched. It worked. Now on the other pregnant female I kinda pollinated half the plant. That also worked.

The Male to female Herm and both females are all the same F1 crosses. I'm trying to stabilize it more by making F2's, F3's and so on starting with this small project. Strongest Peppery smell I have ever smelled on these girls.


Well-Known Member
The bud shots you see are that same two plants. The first pic is the same plant (sandie) as pic three. I just pollinated the lower branches leaving the higher buds on sandie not un touched. It worked. Now on the other pregnant female I kinda pollinated half the plant. That also worked.

The Male to female Herm and both females are all the same F1 crosses. I'm trying to stabilize it more by making F2's, F3's and so on starting with this small project. Strongest Peppery smell I have ever smelled on these girls.
sweet...what phenotypes you trying to isolate?

you should grow out a select number of offspring, clone each one and label accordingly. put all plants into budding except the clones. begin smoking and figure out which you like the best (taking all data into consideration) then choose the clone that corresponds and use her for the next breed. do this again and again for your selected traits!


Well-Known Member
wow, nice job bro.
Thanks CD! Did alot of things for the first time in this thread, root prune, party cup grow(not finished yet), little hint of SCROG, pollinating all worked pretty well :D

sweet...what phenotypes you trying to isolate?

you should grow out a select number of offspring, clone each one and label accordingly. put all plants into budding except the clones. begin smoking and figure out which you like the best (taking all data into consideration) then choose the clone that corresponds and use her for the next breed. do this again and again for your selected traits!
That's the thing, they got to be HH pheno's for sure. I'm looking for more of the SCxNL pheno, but even them SCxNL are F1's ....And the It as a herm SC to a female NL making female SCxNL seeds.

So in the HHXSCxNL cross there should be many pheno's, I mean I can see some SCxNL characteristics in the one of two, like thin leaves during flower but I would love to really dig deep in them to find the NL pheno...Idk I got more F1's coming soon and when I get the space it will be done. I really just wanted to make some more seeds for now. Also get a feel of pollinating.

I hear ya on the taking and labeling clones then growing there parents out. Collecting the nut lol..I just had no space or enough light at the moment. . Soon enough tho, soon enough.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
holy shit, i hit play and had to go to youtube to watch it and big boi busts out, my volume was up from the dog races and i thought it was gonna be a weed growin vid, scared the shit outta me, LoL.


Well-Known Member
THe bud looks good for sure, lol.

i just got like 15 seeds out of 10 gram of some Sensi Skunk, im going to try out and see if they herm or not.