Nitrogen Deficiency


So it is definitely Nitrogen Deficiency. More leaves are turning yellow, and a few are even becoming necrotic.

I am using BC nutrients feeding schedule.
BC Boost - 3 tsp
BC Bloom - 3 tsp
Awesome Blossoms - .5 tsp
Thrive alive B1 red - .5 tsp
MagicCal - .5 tsp
SugarDaddy - 2.5 tsp
(All measurements are on a per gallon basis)

I am doing this at a 50 % Rate and i am Still having nitrogen problems. Should I go to the hyrdo store and pick up something to boost the Nitrogen, or should I just increase one of the above nutrients? Please help guys i would really appreciate it!

I am still having Nitrogen problems despites stable PH and PPMs

Please let me know what you think i should do.

Thank you


PH is 5.8-6.2 never goes outta that range and ppm is about 850. which one of those would be best for upping my nitrogen intake though?
do you have any pictures? how old is your plant? what strain?
dont be so quick to blame N for the problem, there are lots of contributing factors.
are you in soil or hydro?


Well-Known Member
foliar feed them, that's the quickest way to fix the problem. Spray both sides of leaves and depending on your light make sure you raise it up so you don't burn them. Make sure you follow manufactures recommended directions on the feeding amount. Your prolly getting a def cause your not feeding them enough. How old is your lady?


Well-Known Member
contrary to what people think, mj still uses alot of nitro during the first half of their flowering stage and that's exactly your problem. I would hit them with full dose of veg food or foliar feed a few times and you will see improvement. I have had that problem before, alot of people are scared of overfeeding or burning their plants but if your doing only 50% then that's your problem, they are HUNGRY


So simply i need to increase my nutrients as they are hungry. that definitely makes sense. I do have them under a 1000W HPS so it would make sense that they are burning through it quite rapidly.

Quick question about foliar feeding if you don't mind. Should i simply mix a gallon of nutrients @ 100% and fill a spray bottle and simply spray the plants? Is there any technique that i should follow. Sorry for the noob question, but this will be my first time foliar feeding and i dont want to F it up haha.

Thanks again max, and JOC i really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
hey if you don't ask then you wont know lol I would use half the rec dose to foliar feed, see if your food has directions on it for foliar feeding and if not I would hit them with 50%. Thats def the fastest way to clear up a def and MAKE sure you back your lights off or you will burn them or that's what people claim will happen, never happened to me but better to be safe than sorry and make sure you spray both sides of leaves and when you do foliar feed make sure your room temps are between 75-80 degrees cause if its real hot the feeding will be useless... Hope this helps and feel free anytime to ask for help cause that's how you learn. Good luck


Oh wow, ok.

Yea i do have a feed schedule so i will do the foliar feeding @ 50 percent.

As for doing the regular feeding, should i do that in addition to the foliar feed?

And if i do continue my regular feeding schedule, and what percent should i do that?


Well-Known Member
full strength with your bloom food and if you want you could add some veg food along with it of up the nitrogen intake. They will love ya for it


Ok awesome.

So i will foliar feed @ 50% Strength, and continue normal feeding schedule @ 80 percent nute strength, twice daily.

Does that sounds about right?


4-5 Days!? Really? The roots are no longer inside of the rockwool. At the bottom of the tray i put hydroton and the roots all play around in there as they have completely outgrown the rockwool cube. I have been feeding them twice daily recently as the roots are no longer in the rockwool and they are just dancing in the hydroton. I have been feeding them twice daily and they have no signs of overfeeding...

Lemme know! Thanks!!


Sorry, follow-up questions

Use all of these @ 100 percent? Or just select ones?

BC Boost - 3 tsp
BC Bloom - 3 tsp
Awesome Blossoms - .5 tsp
Thrive alive B1 red - .5 tsp
MagicCal - .5 tsp
SugarDaddy - 2.5 tsp

Which ones aha. Thanks again!!


Well-Known Member
hey if you don't ask then you wont know lol I would use half the rec dose to foliar feed, see if your food has directions on it for foliar feeding and if not I would hit them with 50%. Thats def the fastest way to clear up a def and MAKE sure you back your lights off or you will burn them or that's what people claim will happen, never happened to me but better to be safe than sorry and make sure you spray both sides of leaves and when you do foliar feed make sure your room temps are between 75-80 degrees cause if its real hot the feeding will be useless... Hope this helps and feel free anytime to ask for help cause that's how you learn. Good luck
Do you need a penetrator agent for foliar feeding?