Newbie Needs Some Advice...


Active Member
I just started growing a few weeks ago, my plant is in my bedroom next to a window,,,the climate here is mild and hasnt been going over 20°C lately, although there is some hot days here were my plant sees alot of sunlight over half the days are overcast. the room it is kept in is warm and dry. I dont use lights because i havent got round to that yet and im not serious about it itts just a novelty thing at the moment. also some rasta bloke told be they grow better naturally anyway:joint:. Id like 2 know if my plants are male or female . and if the sunlight source stops for a few days will they die,,,another thing wen i water them shud i soak the soil or only use a bit of water. THis is my second attept as my last crop dried up heres the pictures any help appriecated SAM :confused::confused::confused: :joint::joint::joint:

if anyone knows wht type of grass/seeds this is speak up cos i dont ...



Well-Known Member
welcome sam.your plants looks great you no need to worry about sunlight they just grow little slower and stretching bit.its too early to say is this a male or fem.i'm not a smarter guy there but i think soaking the soil is the way to go.and you try get some ph tester for water,keep water 6-6,5ph.good luck and happy growing.are you think grow them outdoor?peace:peace: :joint: its too early tell what kinda strain is your plant.


Active Member
Your plants will not indicate sex until their light schedule is reduced to 12 hours on/12 hours off. Some plants will indicate with pre-flowers, while in their vegetative state, but from the looks of your pictures your plants are not quite there yet. Actually, your growth is quite slow for a few weeks worth, IMO. Which I would attribute to your light situation.

When you water, you want to soak your medium and just be careful not to over water (meaning don't water too often, wait for you medium to dry out). The smaller your plants are, the less root system you have to absorb water, so be mindful not to over water. As your plants grow, and their root system develops, you will find you will need to water more frequently. The simplest way to tell, IMO, is to use the "lift test."

After you water, lift your pots. You should pay attention to how heavy they feel. As time passes continue to lift them periodically. When the medium is close to being dry, you will notice how much lighter your pots feel. It is then safe to water again. It will take some time to get used to the feel of it.

Light is crucial for your plants to grow healthy. That being said, if your light source stops I would say it's safe to assume that all growth will as well.

Good Luck.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice people and i said a few weeks its been like 5 weeks since they started 2 grow my plant is gonna take forever lol