Newbie!!! Need advice from seasoned vets!!!


Ok guys heres the 6 plants, closet grow...2 65 watt cfls pushing out just under 8000 lumens...light schedule is 21/3...water once daily right before the lights kick on. plants are aprx 2.5 weeks old and some of the lower leaves are starting to turn yellow.. wondering what that might be...also it seems that my stalks are very thin and almost of right now my main concern is the laves turning yellow..i will try and post pictures asap...
Your description would lead me to believe you are low on N, have you fed them? Can you post a pic? Also 2 cfls for 6 plants isn't going to be enough light.


low on nutes i bet ya a joint. lol increase feeding routine, do u kno ur ph- soil or hydro?

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
Ok guys heres the 6 plants, closet grow...2 65 watt cfls pushing out just under 8000 lumens...light schedule is 21/3...water once daily right before the lights kick on. plants are aprx 2.5 weeks old and some of the lower leaves are starting to turn yellow.. wondering what that might be...also it seems that my stalks are very thin and almost of right now my main concern is the laves turning yellow..i will try and post pictures asap...
sounds more like overwatering, and possibly not very good soil. with decent soil you shouldn't have to feed them for at least 3 weeks. I would try watering less, and maybe try a very weak mixture of veg fertilizer with lots of N (first number) and water


ok im using regular potting ur telling me im probably low on nitrogen? antoher issue im having is my stalks seem extremley this normal for this size??????

i have a 1000 watt hps and mh bulb system complete with ballast and ventilation system..but unfortinatley its too strong for my closet so i have to wait until i move to use it. any advice on this system as well?



Well-Known Member
That might be your issue. Kelvin is the light spectrum rating system blue spec is better for veg and red is better for flowering.
5000-6500k for veg is what he's trying to tell you.

As for yellowing give em a weak dose of liquid kelp.

You are definatly watering too much as well.
hope this helps somewhat. goodluck

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I don't think those are 65 watt CFLs are you sure? they look like my 27 watters ???

Most likely overwatering. but not too bad. Overwatering will cause your stems to rot because they are always soggy let the soil dry out a little they can often go without water longer than you'd expect. Feel the top couple of inches of soil is it moist or dry? Lift up your pots is it light or heavy? These little tricks will help you determine if your plant needs watering. When you water, water thoroughly allowing the soil to be evenly moist or you will have unevenly moist soil and your plants roots hate that.

You could also repot them all the way up to the bottom of the leaves so that the stem is beneath the surface and it will grow roots. You won't need to water as often because your roots will be deep in the soil where the moisture is generally higher. Get your lights closer to the tops of your plants or they will stretch for the light. Get an oscillating fan blowing on them they will develop thick stems and will be able to support it's weight. Your soil will probably dry out quicker with the fan blowing on it so just keep an eye on it.


sounds really helpful thanks alot!! Yea those are 65 watters. what nutes should i use to get rid of the yellowing leaves?


ok guys so i took some of ur advice and applied it...first i bought some 5-1-1 fish emulsions and used it once for all of my plants 2 days often should i apply this solution?

Also i bought 4 23 watt cfls with the blue spectrum and now have a total of 6 lights.

2 65 watt cfls- aprx 8000 lumens

4 23 watt cfls- aprx 6400 lumens

i only have 5 plants alive hoping my yellow leaves will disappear soon...i also cut back on watering so its about once every 2-3 days... im going to post some pics let me know what you guys think!! Thanks!!!