New shoots on buds

What would cause buds to form new shoots that rise out of the top of the buds after 45 days of flowering.? Please help..Thanks


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it went back into veg. Are you using nutrients with a high nitrogen content? Maybe try to go to a 10-52-10 fertilizer if your not already.


Well-Known Member
They could be foxtails, which are a sign of several things. mine just recently starting foxtailing to all hell, and iam almost at the end of week 11. Mine are a heavy sativa strain so it could just be a trait, but i think its actually a mix of that and stress because the same plants are also shooting bananas out like mad now as well. Really hoping they finish up soon so i can get them out of that room before too much pollen is around and pollinates my BJ's that just went into the chamber.

If they are foxtails, and you have no hermies to speak of, just roll with it. Foxtails look like little shoots of calyxes bursting out of each other to create little 'towers' of calyxes. In some cases this trait is sought after, and when it comes down to it, its only adding weight. So ya, if there are no hermies, i say let it go, just means bigger nugs!
This happened to my plants when i sexed them inside and moved them outside. Sounds light something with the light schedule made the revert back to veg. More info on the lighting would be helpful.