New leaves are curving (some first grow advice needed)


Thanks for the words.

I have learnt so much about in the past few weeks I don't think I knew quite what I was getting into. I just started out with the intention of growing some bagseed and brought some moveable desk lamps from ikea so I could position the lights however I wanted around the plant. I now have 5 of these lights and they all come with these dome covers which by some stroke of luck are all coated matt white. I have barricaded the sides of the plants in with white hardboard to catch as much light as possible and reflect it back. Although fairly open not much light is escaping and the plants look like they are sitting in daylight from top to bottom. From what I can work out any light escaping has travelled more than a couple of inches and lost most of its potency.

I have two plants at the moment. The one I have talked about in this thread is the biggest but it does have a sister...

I had 5 bagseed. I chucked them in a small glass of water and put them in the boiler cupboard. They took ages to germinate a lot longer then the youtube video I watched which said up to 3 days. In fact only one germinated within those 3 days which is the one pictured and talked about in this thread.

I just planted them all and thought they either do something or they don't. The other shells had split but there was no good root from them. After a week a new seedling emerged but it's cotyledon (I think that's how it's spelt, it's first seedling leaves anyway) were damaged. ABout 50% of both leaves looked like it had shrivelled up and gone brown and one of the leaves did not unfurl. I was going to bin it a few times but always thought see what it does.. throw it when it is completely dead.. no harm done and it can just share the others light for now.

Here is a pic of the plant from 2 weeks ago. remember this plant is the same age as the other one and both from the same batch of bagseed.

2012-11-03 10.58.18.jpg2012-11-03 10.57.59.jpg

it has absolutely no stem. It really struggled pushing out it's first leaves and they were tiny and malformed but I gave it a share of one of the lights anyway.

2 weeks later and here it is again in a photo taken yesterday
2012-11-18 12.46.30.jpg2012-11-18 12.46.25.jpg

The mess of leaves at the bottom are fully formed but tiny branches and leaves. I assume this is due to the problem start the seed had

I guess we will see which ones survive when they start showing me some signs of sex which they should do in a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
Those plants look very healthy. It was probably a bit too much fertilizer (nitrogen specifically) FYI. Burnt tips + slight curl - likely N mostly. Deep green too.


Those plants look very healthy. It was probably a bit too much fertilizer (nitrogen specifically) FYI. Burnt tips + slight curl - likely N mostly. Deep green too.
Yes looking back at the pics I can see that. The plants didn't have a great start. I did some research on line and they had this mottled yellow look to the leaves and I gave it some miracle gro as I thought it likely this was nutrient deficency (it didn't start in great soil). The yellow went and was replaced by the clawing and burnt tip which can be seen in the first pic which I put down at the time to light burn. Getting the bulbs the right distance with those dish covers was not easy but they are about an inch and a half away from the plant now. But the symptoms and history I think fit nicely with nute burn