NEW FABRIC POTS OMG "Oregon Breathers"!!!!


My boii just hooked me up with one of these bags and told me to try it out because I love fabics pots lol
i personally like Aurora root pots over smart pots because they are thicker and a lil cheaper but these New oregon breathers are hella fuckin sturdy and the quality is crazy good superb im truly amazed, love the handles and the red stiching sickk, my homie said that they're handcrafted in oregon but he bought some on ebay. They are made by a company called House of green prolly find theyre website on google but heres a quick vid I made yee! sorry guys im just glad I finally found the perfect grow bag for me and i gotta spread the word! if you buy some off ebay tell him tubba sent you lol maybe he'll hook it up i dunno tho lol peace
