Need some hash advice!


Active Member
So I had some plants that got attacked by mites. The bud is still very good. It doesn't smell like hay or anything is just webbed and what not not. But I don't want these to go to waste and since hash is pretty filtered (I'll be using the blender/coffee screen method) do you think it will be okay or will I be getting mite eggs and other nastyness?


Active Member
Yeah but all the mites and their eggs would just get left behind when I strain through the coffee filter so why not? I'd only be getting trichomes anyway. that's the point right? mites and eggs are bigger than trichome heads so I would think they would get filtered out.


So nobody besides this guy has an opinion? I guess I'm gonna do it regardless. If I see strange things at the end of making the hash ill toss it. If not ill be back to report.


Well-Known Member
this is actually a prety good idea man, i definetley think this would work.....try it out and keep us posted


New Member
Iso/Alchohol, grain alcohol, and butane will dissolve the bugs, and eggs into your hash. THe method mentioned that with ice? If so you should be ok.


Active Member
cool. yeah I'm going to do it. I DO think it will work. I'll let you know if I got shit crawling on my hash afterwards haha


Active Member
Sorry I forgot to post. This stuff came out AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAZING!!!!!! no buggies crawling around. And just to be thorough I I strained a few times. And actually since I started this thread I have made a lot more out of other plants. I used a lot of my G-13 plant that wasn't in good shape and got a shit ton of wonderful blond hash compressed into the size of a large marble if not bigger. So here is my 2 cents. If your plants are fucked over by mites then use the blender method to create some hash so your shit doesn't go to waste. Honestly all of these that I have made taste really great and provide a mind blowing high. MAKE SURE you are using a gold coffee filter or something similar with lots of stitches per sq inch for filtering the trichomes. Happy hash making. If my phone had a fuckin camera I'd take a picture but I had to get a BB World Edition. FML. If I find a camera I'll def post.


Active Member
STEP-BY-STEP (in my own words)

Things you'll need

* Atleast a half ounce of trimmings or good buds. (I have used both fresh and dry trimmings and buds. I don't really see any difference as long as you freeze it to get those trichomes brittle but obviously dry is a preferable choice when available. But if you're in a rush and don't want to wait for your stuff to dry you'll still be pleased with your outcome)
* A blender
* Ice and water
* Milk jug of Fridge Cold Water
* 2 large glass pyrex bowls/pans anything glassware. (clear is not neccesary)
* At least 4 large glass vases (like flower vases). If you dont have any, a dollar store or bargain center is a great place to get some for a couple dollars.
* A gold/metal coffee filter.
* Some durable paper coffee filters.

I start off by freezing whatever I'm going to be blending for at least an hour if not more. Then I put 4-6 ice cubes in the blender and then put in my trimmings. I just lightly pack it down as I add it but if you have lots of trimmings then you'll probably have to blend more batches than one (Don't pack it full, you'll regret it when you pull the lid off later). I also keep my bud strains seperate when making the hash so I have a few different kinds. I then add water until the green is almost covered. I start by blending on a low speed and progressing to the faster one. I only blend for about a minute or so. It should now look frothy and kind of green milk shake like. I then pour all of this into my glass bowls/pans. And put them in the fridge for a half hour or so to get them a little colder. Then comes the tedious part.

Pull your frothy mess from the fridge and sit down at a table. Spoon a couple spoons of the plant material at a time into the gold/metal coffee filter and set the filter in the vase (If they are curved ones, the filter should sit right at the top of the opening) now pour in some preferrably fridge cold water and shake the filter like you are sifting for gold get it shaking good until the water completely drains, squeeze the filter if you can to compact the material inside and get all the water out. You can do this as many times as you would like with each couple spoonfuls of plant material. After you have strained it all you will be left with a green liquid. This is where most of you're gold is sitting so go ahead and dump it in to the coffee filter and again use ICE COLD water and sift it like gold because in this case it's just as important and YOU WANT IT ALL ;) . After you pour it in you'll probably still have some in the bowl so put a little more water in, swish it around and get the rest.

OOOOOOK so by this point you will more than likely have 4 or more flower vases full of a green liquid. Which by the way after you fill up one vase you should immediately stick it in the fridge. So all of your vases at this point are in the fridge. Now go sit and get high and check out youtube or something for 30-60 minutes. When you come back you will see a white powder building at the bottom of your vases. If you focus enough you'll probably still see some floating in the water as well and if there is I wait a little bit longer. Now either pour or siphon off all this green water to within an inch of the trichomes at the bottom with all of your vases and then combine them together. Let it settle again and then add more ICE COLD water (what we are doing by doing this is purifying the hash even more by getting the chlorophyl or whatever other contaminants may be in the green water.) and stick it back in the fridge for another 30-60 minutes until it all settles. Repeat this process until all the green has disappeared from the water and it's clear. Now, siphon or pour the water again to within an inch of the the trichomes.

If you you have SUPER steady hands you can probably pour off more water than that but it's super hard and you can lose trichomes without realizing it. Now pour what you have left into your paper coffee filter. I just set it in the metal filter and pour it in. I pour slow so the water can get through the paper because it can take a long time for the water to drain out. I have just picked up with filter from all sides and closed it and just slowly squeezed it like milking a cow haha. Anyway when all the water is gone you'll be left with your prized possession. Scrape it up with a spoon and let it sit on the spoon to dry for a little bit. Stick it in a new filter and fold it up then fold the filter in a paper towel and smash it to get out excess water. I have found that if you take out too much water it becomes really sticky and hard to maintain with hands. So don't give it an enormous amount of pressure. Anyway that's it, you can form it to whatever you like after that. Hope it helps someone. :)


Active Member
yo so i follow the directions here step for step, when I reach the final stage(pouring out the clear water through a paper coffee filter) some of the sandy (thc?) goes right through the paper screen, thus escaping?what am I doing wrong?


Active Member
well that clear water you wanna pour it out to within one of the top of your thc sand. use a good paper coffee filter. no cheapos! set the paper filter inside the metal filter and strain it over one of the vases. that way if any of them are escaping you can re-strain it again to get the rest.