Need help


Well-Known Member
oh i was just wondering cause nicotine kills mj and especially if you have it on ur hands when you touch the seeds they wont come up but yeah rain water is really good for plants it has natural vitamins and minerals
oh i was just wondering cause nicotine kills mj and especially if you have it on ur hands when you touch the seeds they wont come up but yeah rain water is really good for plants it has natural vitamins and minerals

oo thats a good tip there =P but yea i dont smoke so nothing to worry about =P and i put somthing out there but i will probably wind up putting a big heavy bucket out there the wind is blowing really hard


Well-Known Member
oh well that sucks its not raining here but its all cloudy and supposed to rain the next 4 days


Well-Known Member
damn well i need to put some buckets or something out side to gett the rain water cause it really is good for the plants especially when they first start out cause there sensitive and your giving them natural nutes


Active Member
here are some ideas, someone said use a wet paper towel, thats good too, but you can also get a little cup of water and drop the seeds in the water, then put the cup in the darkest room there is and leave it for about a day or two, when you go back and check them, if they are not at the bottom of the cup and sprouting, then just touch them and they will sink, leave them over night and by the next day you will have sprouts, after the roots emerge, stick them in soil, make sure the soil is a little moist but not to much. your plant should start growing within days. Another way you can do it is by, putting some soil in a shoe box, wet the top of the soil a little then drop the seeds onto the soil, cover the seeds with a little dry soil then spray a light coat of water on the top and place the box in a warm area.


Well-Known Member
well i mean you dont use that much water when ur sproting them i mean 2-3 prays then you let them come up and it would make the chances of the seeds sprouting better and squeeze the seeds b 4 u germinate not hard just barely and if they crack they are not good seeds and you want dark seeds with little dots or veins running down them


Well-Known Member
well then you should have a sprout pretty soon but I have to go so i ll ttyl on tonight i guess