Need help

ok apparintly i just dont have a green thumb because i can not for the life of me get a seed to sprout. i really think its the soil.... so heres a list of things i need help with

what kind of soil and where to get it

what kind of water and how much and how warm or cold?

do i need any nutes for sprouting i thought you didnt because it would burn it? if so what kind? and where to get?

what kind of lights? i have 1 cfl but i only am growing one plant i keep the lgiht on for 16/8..

what is the right way to germinate? i use 2 wet paper towels and bowls. am i suppose to use warm water or cold? and how long on average are they suppose to soak until the tapeworm shows.

and how should i water my plants i ahve a spray thing that kinda shooots mist but i can set it to where it spray a line of water or just mist thats usually what i water with.

and my set up is a drawer set up i have it lined with aluminum foil and its about 2 feet high

any suggestions? i have read almost every forum there is about growing but its all not very discripted and they are all basically the same thing on every site but this is by far the best but i only learn about the veg and flowering stage not really before it sprouts so anyone please help?


Well-Known Member
put the seed(s) in the wet paper towel folds and place in a plastic bag and sit on a window seal for three days dont touch them at all take the seeds out they should have the root shoot coming out place the root side into the dirt dont use any nutes make a hole in the soil and place in cover with dirt and spray some water on it not to much then wait till it starts to come up then spray just as much as you did the last time not a lot of water maybe 3 good sprays but spray the dirt not the leaves. get some organic soil from walmart or home depot or lowes or just a gardening center if you have water that you can get out of you refrigerator thats filtered thats good but let it sit for 24 hours same with tap water 24 hours of sitting in the open not closed up where the chlorine can evaporate, keep the cfl about 2" away from the top of the dirt and keep on for 24 hours a day for about a week so the plant is getting plenty of energy and if I was you I would start more than one plant so if its a male you might have a female to fall back on. did i answer all ur questions?
put the seed(s) in the wet paper towel folds and place in a plastic bag and sit on a window seal for three days dont touch them at all take the seeds out they should have the root shoot coming out place the root side into the dirt dont use any nutes make a hole in the soil and place in cover with dirt and spray some water on it not to much then wait till it starts to come up then spray just as much as you did the last time not a lot of water maybe 3 good sprays but spray the dirt not the leaves. get some organic soil from walmart or home depot or lowes or just a gardening center if you have water that you can get out of you refrigerator thats filtered thats good but let it sit for 24 hours same with tap water 24 hours of sitting in the open not closed up where the chlorine can evaporate, keep the cfl about 2" away from the top of the dirt and keep on for 24 hours a day for about a week so the plant is getting plenty of energy and if I was you I would start more than one plant so if its a male you might have a female to fall back on. did i answer all ur questions?

yes i think you did but if i have anymore can i ask you? ill send you a message on your profile?

and thank you very much


Well-Known Member
yeah man anytime and keep me posted 2 damnit we will get you a plant sprouted if I have to give you one of mine lol but yeah you can message me and I will help you to the best of my ability. Ill send you a friend request


Well-Known Member
I use black gold seedling soil a little over half full in a solo cup. I wet the soil with a spay bottle. Place the seeds in a shallow cup,bowl, glass add enough tap water to cover the seeds and soak for 12 hours. use a pencil or something to make a hole in the soil deep enough to cover the seed. cover with just a little soil" a few grains wet again with the spray bottle. one or two sprays. place your light about 6" above the soil and in a few days you'll see the sprout. I've had them sprout in as little as a day and as long as a week. I too would startmore then one to help the odds on getting a girl. if you have a pump sprayer save it for bigger plants. just use a spray bottle when there little. after you have planted and sprayed the soil leave it alone don't water again for a few days and then just enough to wet the top. I've used the paper towel way and it works also. Since I started using the seed soak. I don't even think about the paper towel method anymore.
yeah man anytime and keep me posted 2 damnit we will get you a plant sprouted if I have to give you one of mine lol but yeah you can message me and I will help you to the best of my ability. Ill send you a friend request

alright thanks man because i really want to grow my first plant dangit! =P

but yea ill keep you updated i might go tommorow and buy some more stuff for growing
I use black gold seedling soil a little over half full in a solo cup. I wet the soil with a spay bottle. Place the seeds in a shallow cup,bowl, glass add enough tap water to cover the seeds and soak for 12 hours. use a pencil or something to make a hole in the soil deep enough to cover the seed. cover with just a little soil" a few grains wet again with the spray bottle. one or two sprays. place your light about 6" above the soil and in a few days you'll see the sprout. I've had them sprout in as little as a day and as long as a week. I too would startmore then one to help the odds on getting a girl. if you have a pump sprayer save it for bigger plants. just use a spray bottle when there little. after you have planted and sprayed the soil leave it alone don't water again for a few days and then just enough to wet the top. I've used the paper towel way and it works also. Since I started using the seed soak. I don't even think about the paper towel method anymore.

alright thanks alot for your help i will try that out


Well-Known Member
just get some organic soil and this should be your ingredients
60% organic potting soil (not miracle grow)
20% perlite
10% building sand
10% worm castings


Well-Known Member
when you see how ez it is to get them to pop you'll be saying what the hell. why was that so hard. good luck you'll get there. Oh and I like the soak method because I don't have to try and get the sprout planted after they pop. it's all done. remember that seedlings don't need alot of water or light the first few weeks.
well i mean im only planting one plant but i have five seeds my grow box isnt big enough for tem and i dont want to ruin a whole batch of plants you know?


Well-Known Member
yeah so u prob just need a little bag its not that much at all just go to a gardening center and price them out or call and find out or look up stores on the web and see what they got.


Well-Known Member
the seedling mix came in a16 qt bag smallest I found. so far it's lasted threw 3 grows. thats allot of seeds lol. I think it ran about 12.00 a bag.


Well-Known Member
um I have been growing about a year now my first grow was amature with minimal lighting and shit like that but now I have proper lighting proper space nute and everything once you get ur plant up and you grow it you will want to do it again but bigger lol