Need help


Well-Known Member
oh ok well lets see what happens with the new soil tomorrow and everything just remember to keep the light about 2 inches away from the dirt dont wanna bake it.


Well-Known Member
idk it looks a little close maybe you should raise it up a little then when they come up put it about 2" away from top of plant
alright thanks man. i might just start completly over with a new seed and soil and everything lol and i might add alittle to my grow box =P

and how bad do you think it will smell?


Well-Known Member
the smell will completely depend on what kinda strain it is if its a skunk varety it will prob smell more than say another strain you will just have to see if its just some bag seed ur tryin to grow
alright =P well dang i really hope i grow and actually get to harvest a plnt o_O i know this is WAY to early to be asking about but how can you tell if its time to harvest? i read somewhere that you have to get a mag. glass and look at the crystals and see if they have something in them or something like that?? and then if it i how do you do it? jsut cut the plant down and hang it?


Well-Known Member
the trich's start out clear then go cloudy and finaley amber. more amber=couchlock more cloudy= more of a head high.


Well-Known Member
you basically just wait til 50% of the little white hairs on ur buds turn orange then its ready to be cut and yes the whole plant then cut he individual branches then trim the buds then hang thats what i do but you can do what ever you want
you basically just wait til 50% of the little white hairs on ur buds turn orange then its ready to be cut and yes the whole plant then cut he individual branches then trim the buds then hang thats what i do but you can do what ever you want

alright thanks :leaf:

how big is a averge size plant?


Well-Known Member
there is no average it gets as big as you want or as little, it depends on a lot of things like nutrients, ferts, soil, climate, temp, humidity, light, you, just about everything


Well-Known Member
yeah hate weather it always ruins everything put some stuff out side to collect the rain water it does wonders for plants. and i have a question do you smoke cigarettes?
yeah hate weather it always ruins everything put some stuff out side to collect the rain water it does wonders for plants. and i have a question do you smoke cigarettes?

thats a good idea i might do that

and no i dont haha i have neve smoke a cig in my 23 years of living haha