need help wiring my CFL sockets


Active Member
I'll be getting my veg-chamber put together soon (hopefully) but I need someone to enlighten me on the subject of wiring my sockets. I have two 2-socket fixtures (4 sockets total, two per fixture) that i ripped out of some old ceiling fan light fixtures. They look pretty much identical, my CFL bulbs fit in each one the same. Two identical, single black (1) & white(1) wires coming from both fixtures, wire size/gauge looks to be the same across the board to my eye.

I need to know how to wire these fixtures. I can find a wire with a plug (for each) from somewhere around the house that will suffice, I just need to know what kind of wire to look for. Basically, I'm at this point: I know I don't need to go strip down an extention coard for each fixture, but I don't think I can go chop the cord off my coffee machine and my toaster either (though I may be wrong). Hopefully someone understands my position ;/

I've googled, searched forums, just can't find the answer I'm looking for. Any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
Goto the electrical section in walmart or a hardware store and look at what kind of fixtures and shop light reflectors are available. THere are also alot of cab's in this forum that you should look at maybe.