Need help w vent/light


Active Member
well for the vents i would have the exhuast fan right next to the light and have a small intake and the same level to help cool it down and then also have a small intake close to the bottom(for colder air)


Active Member
or how about a space like 1'4x1'4x3'11?

i just need an ideal space for 1 at most 2 auto's to grow in, i have decided with just using cfl's for the lights, i will look into lst and super cropping since i have limited space, for venting i have decided on 2 4" flat whisper fans, pushing 105 cfm in/out


Active Member
Do research about blue bulbs for growing no experienced grower will tell u blue is excellent for flowering.. I'm not trying to b rude neon but that's definitely false info a mixed spectrum is ideal but if u don't have space for red and blues n e experienced grower will say red.... Trust me autoflower do some if your own research before trusting peoples info cuz it may b false....


Active Member
yeah i have been readign up on auto's in RIU and i just trying to see what would be best, and i think i have found a spot its what my tv sit on, its about 2ft tall, about 1.5ft wide and about a 1ft deep, i figure if i have 2 either red or multi-spectrum cfl both 100w. i figure this space beacsue its an easy thing to convert to a stealth grow and i think i have also decided on cropping my plant so it stays on the shorter side and kind of branches out, as far as soil nutes anyone know any good ones like tiger bloom thats cheap?


Active Member
i might possibly even turn an extra cabinet/dresser thing i have into a grow room. its about 41"tallx31"widex11"deep i figure this area would be nice for the cropping/super cropping or even possibly scrog method. but using scrog method when do i pull the screen?


Active Member
I use gh organics pretty cheap but probably not as good as synthetic nutes when it comes to yield but the taste can't b beat


if u want to grow indoor save some money and buy a small Homebox-silverbox grow tent. they can be found really cheap and they are AWSOME trust me.... personally i hate autos but since you are asking ill save you from some experimenting. autos will perform at their best outdoors(like every mj plant). especially the lights your talking about will not give you anything close to 20-40 grams dry . ull probably get 10-15 grams dry. i had autos 3 times at the starting of my growing experience and i was not satisfied at all except from the 5 i had outdoors. but please do your self a favour and consider buying a tent. i am sooo glad i did.


Active Member
well considering i need it to be stealthy kostas i am going to build a room, and for autos you dont think 2 100w cfls will work? in a small ass space? and wit the autos i plan on doing one in doors and and outdoors to compare and contras the grow, afetr i move out and have money to get a tent i will right now i just want to build a little space, have 2 possibly 3 cfl's in there and just grow one at a time, im not really lookin for crazy yeild's or anything like that with auto's just enough to hold me off till next plant cycle complete.


Active Member
after reading more i have found that if i go with say like 6-12 23w cfls it will be more efficient and cost effective in the long run.

would 6-12 23w cfls work nice in a room that is about 2ft tall x 2ft wide x 1ft deep. and for that would i even really need an intake? or atleast not a big one as i dont really want light leaks.


your girls will grow , you will get buds but yields will not be good and will hardly get u through the next plant cycle. its been a looooong time since i used cfls but as i remember they didnt emit any heat at all. except to the touch. some air circulation will be good for the plants though. idk , improvize dude , use a pc fan . i guess this is ur first grow(im too stoned and bored to read the posts again ;p ) so go for it and if you fail try again the worst case scenario is that u will fail better :) and then try again untill u succeed. i failed 4 times before i had my first home grown dope. growing and life its like a game u earn experience every time u do something new or repeat something.


Active Member
yep its going to be my first time thats why im trying to find out what people have tried if they have tried my method i am choosing and if they have succeed. from a few people i know said that with the cfls they have gotten almost same say they have with a 250wmh/hps system minus the heat. and i have found some screw in sockets in to a reg socket that lets you have 2 bulbs off 1 socket. i plan on getting 6 of thoses seeing as i am getting 6 single socket * i am going to buld my own reflctor for all of them
haveing 12 atleast 23w cfl's for 1 plant at most 2 would that be sufficent enough?

and if anyone knows more on cfls and watt/lumen output can you let me know soi know what size buld to get?


yes it will be enough but consider that if u will use 12 cfls u will have to buy 24 :S (12 6500k for veg and 12 2700k for flowering). this sounds to me a bit expensive to be a temporary solution. im insisting on suggesting to you that it will be best to buy some good lighting and a grow room for a bit more than you will be paying for cfls (IMO no i dont believe they can catch up with HID lighting) .
although if your going to stick to your plan (its a good plan except the points i have given before) here are 2 TIPS:
1) why dont you get bigger wattage cfls? like 3 250w or 4 125w? or play with the numbers and decide what you can fit in there and what is best for you?
2)you can build your DIY reflectors from beer cans. the inside of the can is good for reflecting cfl lighting.