Narcotic effect


Active Member
Does anyone know the name of a strain(s) that produces the strongest narcotic type high when smoked?


Well-Known Member
I tried scissor/finger hash from Mazar before...was extremely narcotic stone, wanted to lie down!


Active Member
I tried scissor/finger hash from Mazar before...was extremely narcotic stone, wanted to lie down!
All of these of ho's on here act like I'm tryin' to smoke opium or something.
I was just wondering, when ordering seeds a site referred to NYCD- New York City Diesel as a narcotic type high, and was curious to know if anyone knew of any other strains that produced a similar effect.

Thanks for the info, and not being a little punk bitch like these other dude's on here.


Well-Known Member
stop yur cryin and get something strong from amsterdam. like last years Sativa winner.
but christ man, stop your crying! i cant take it!!!!


Active Member
stop yur cryin and get something strong from amsterdam. like last years Sativa winner.
but christ man, stop your crying! i cant take it!!!!
I'm talking about what you're referring to when you say someone is crying about something.
Give me what you're on.


Well-Known Member
Try last years indica winner, a sativa high is the opposite of narcotic
so....when you low you high and when you high you low?
aint sativa the high type of high and indica the low type of high?
sativa = talkative, energizer bunny
Indica = stoned, couchsitting . i may be wrong, i just see sumtin green and i schmokez it!