My silkroad experiance


Well-Known Member
That's hilarious they don't know where to begin. I mean, the TOR network is pretty fucking advanced as far as proxies.


Active Member
Lets all just stay on our shit when using the road so this revolutionary era we are embarking upon lasts as long as possible.

Staying on our shit entails things such as:
-Always use the Tails USB Operating System when accessing Tor
-Never fail to encrypt your messages and remember to keep subject fields discrete
-Keep all your shit hidden both physically (usb stick) and digitally (hidden folders to store Tor related information/programs)
-Stay on your game with all drop-off methods and keep stress on the importance of stealth packaging/vacuum sealing


Well-Known Member
SR is a perfect distribution method for clandestine chemists so I see it taking over a lot of the market for those drugs.


Well-Known Member
I used to get Ketamine from some solid email sources, but a lot of them are either not in business anymore or I just can't find them. So many scammers out there, I like that SR has some buyer protection built in. I'm more than happy to pay a bit more for a pure, quality product and the knowledge that I'm not getting scammed.


Well-Known Member
I love SR! 😊 Never had any probs with the site. & prices aren't that bad either. You can get a good dank oz for around 240shipped. Just takes a little time to get the btc


Well-Known Member
None of my friends have any complaints about getting delays on coins...I have heard things like 72 hours before tho


Well-Known Member
No one is really willing to help me with gpg? Come on guys, it's just the last step I forgot. To be honest I think I understand it, but just want to double check


Well-Known Member
Fortunately most prices on the road are converted from usd. And more bitcoins being used makes them harder to track.


Well-Known Member
makes sense. I wish I bought in when it was $70 but I thought it was done going up... could have cashed out and doubled my money or made 2x purchases


Well-Known Member
Well it's got to come down when the good people of Cyprus decide they need actual cash that they can buy food with. But it looks like it will at least hold for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Holds better than keep going would suck if things got so steep thatit really wasn't worth considering..almost like 9$ beanut butter in alaska...


Well-Known Member
Well even if it keeps going up the price of drugs in bitcoins is usually based on their value in USD.


i promise you that the current jump in bitcoins is a ''bubble'' injected into the market by people who do not want an anonymous currency. when people buy alot and that bubble 'pops' its going to suck for alot of people everywhere, i like silkroad but it needs to be funded with bits and as well with something else or otherwise it will always be controllable, just my 2cents, later

how coincidental, i did a little digging and found this wonderful article in about 20 seconds that should explain whats happening.

April 3, 2013

In the last 48 hours, the price of the virtual currency has surged by 50% from $94 to $141 as the rate of expansion goes more than parabolic. This leaves us with the question, which line item on the Fed’s Balance Sheet is ‘Virtual Currency Transactions’… what better way to destroy an up and coming currency competitor than to blow a bubble in it and explode it?

That is a 14x rise since the start of the year…

PS. the term is parabolic which is used to explain whats happening with gold and silver.
