My New Snow Ramp!! Pictures!


Active Member
let me start by stating im pretty cooked, so excuse my nonsense.:mrgreen: But we finsished our drop in today, 2 day project, aabout15 feet off the ground, Just need some good snow to pack in around it, and its be tit, im hoping to be able to gap up to the roof over the porch, i was droipping in on my mountain bike and was getting goooodd speed. so well see. but what do you think? not a dollar invested. anxiously waiting.100MEDIA_IMAG0346.jpg100MEDIA_IMAG0345.jpg100MEDIA_IMAG0344.jpg100MEDIA_IMAG0342.jpg100MEDIA_IMAG0347.jpg


Active Member
nay sayers, let me brief you on its structural intergrity for a minute haha, we built the 10x14' platform as starts to a tree house/man cave(cable/n64, that sort) anyways its built with 6x6"posts in cement, three of those, and two maples, big ones, the whole platform is trussed and pressure treated topped. We called it the tree porch haha never made it to cave status. but then the ramp is 3 hardwood and steal ladders, at sopported by posts, everything is deck screwed, its just the skin makes it look dangerous cuz its slapped on...BUt its strong! ill get some mad ski and board pictures posted in here down the road, you wait haha


Well-Known Member
An other crazy ass daredevil..hope you have some good insurance...just in case...


New Member
What I was referring to as unsafe were the aberrant 2x4s laying across the ramp, it looks like you could easily catch the end of your board in them and pretty much go from vertical to horizontal pretty quickly. When you said you biked it I assumed the structural integrity was fine.


Active Member
So i drew a picture a work and stopped into wally world to make it happen large scale, ive never tried my hand at graffiti, figured id give it a shot on this hahalol 032.jpglol 034.jpg