My Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Awwhh thanks :))
Hey don't mention it, you've got some killer assets ;)

Grow big was all I could afford at the moment. And idk what's up with the spots. I water her with two and a half water bottles and I only put a couple drops in one of them. I am scared I will put too much, :((
So about 40 ounces of water? That's about a third of a gallon. The bottle suggests 2-3 TSP/GAL. So I would say 3/4 teaspoon on the low end, and 1 tsp on the high end. If I am right that your bottles of water are about 16 ounces each.

Try and find a larger container for mixing. Put the entire amount of water you are going to give her in, then add the Grow Big and stir well.


Active Member
So now my temp is back up!!!! Almost at 100 degrees. I don't know what to do! The lowest I can get it at is 89 degrees. I have 4 lights in there. You think it would still be okay if I only had 3? They are 23W each.


New Member
So now my temp is back up!!!! Almost at 100 degrees. I don't know what to do! The lowest I can get it at is 89 degrees. I have 4 lights in there. You think it would still be okay if I only had 3? They are 23W each.
hey how you been
whats the problem i missed it which page is it


New Member
Temps in the 90's ahhh! After I put in 2 extra lights I just can't seem to get my temps down. I have one fan in there but I suppose I will have to pick up another. Eventually I will run out of room in my little grow box. Oh dear.

Also I have a question. I have four 23W CFLs in there right now and I have a 45W CFL with a warm spectrum that I am going to add during flowering and replace one of the CFLs. Will this be enough to flower?
to answer ? more lights means more air flow meaning more fans or bigger fans


Well-Known Member
So now my temp is back up!!!! Almost at 100 degrees. I don't know what to do! The lowest I can get it at is 89 degrees. I have 4 lights in there. You think it would still be okay if I only had 3? They are 23W each.
fab, that's what I am thinking. Kayla, I know you don't want advice directing you towards spending more money...

But, you could try and locate some 4" ducting and a 4" duct blower or some other 4" fan that's small and inexpensive.

I just want you to be successful, and controlling the environment is critical to that goal.

If what we are suggesting isn't an option then you are going to have to leave the top off more or run A/C in your room so the air it's getting is very cool, something to bring the source air temperature down.

Are you running your lights 24 hours a day? I don't remember reading about that. If so, cut it down to 20/4 or even 18/6 and that should help somewhat. But again, if you aren't exchanging the hot air then it's just going to keep getting warmer and warmer. I hope this makes sense.


New Member
fab, that's what I am thinking. Kayla, I know you don't want advice directing you towards spending a lot of money...

But, you could try and locate some 4" ducting and a 4" duct blower or some other 4" fan that's small and inexpensive.

I just want you to be successful, and controlling the environment is critical to that goal.

If what we are suggesting isn't an option then you are going to have to leave the top off more or run A/C in your room so the air it's getting is very cool, something to bring the source air temperature down.

Are you running your lights 24 hours a day? I don't remember reading about that. If so, cut it down to 20/4 or even 18/6 and that should help somewhat. But again, if you aren't exchanging the hot air then it's just going to keep getting warmer and warmer. I hope this makes sense.
i got some 4" 110v fans that i can donate
she can pm me if she wants them


Well-Known Member
i got some 4" 110v fans that i can donate
she can pm me if she wants them
That's a pretty nice offer man. I have gotten seeds mailed to me from people here on RIU, but fans would be pretty sick too!!

And yeah Kayla, next grow I am sure some of us on here would be happy to send you some seeds so you aren't spending twenty fuckin' bucks a pop. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Fuck guys i need some weed...can you help a guy had a guy send me some ..... to....this can be a cool place...........


New Member
That's a pretty nice offer man. I have gotten seeds mailed to me from people here on RIU, but fans would be pretty sick too!!

And yeah Kayla, next grow I am sure some of us on here would be happy to send you some seeds so you aren't spending twenty fuckin' bucks a pop. :joint:
we dont take about seed trades really on open forum
nothing illegal about shipping fans


New Member
georgia dont either...think im jacking this girls thread............sorry
its ok while they are gone or asleep
shit happens
and tomm others will post and ours about nonsense will be in the past
forgotten when it goes to a new page