My Grow Journal


Active Member
So if you're reading this just know this journal is kind of just a thing for me to keep track of everything. Right now I am still in the process of gathering up my materials. This post is just about how much I have spent so far. I tried clicking on private grow journals but I couldn't get on there so I am just starting one here. Just a place for me to write out everything such as costs, plans, pictures, etc. Kind of like my personal tracking guide. :P

But for any of you interested I'm just doing a simple, basic, n00b grow.

CLOSET GROW (My first indoor grow)
●I havn't measured my closet but it's a fairly large size.
●Growing ONE (yes one) White Widow from a feminized seed.

Not the exact cost but somewhere around there.
●Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil - $12
●Fox Farm Grow Big - $22 (more nutrients to come)
●4 (23W) CFL Daylight bulbs - $12 (gathering up some more later)
●WW Feminized seed - $20 (after shipping which was fucking ridiculous)
●Mini metal fan - $10 (adding another fan later)
●3 Gallon pot (had on hand)
●Bottled water (on hand)
●PH Water Tester thing (on hand)
●Tin foil (on hand but will obtain something better/safer later)
●100W Metal Halide bulb (MIGHT hook up depending on ballast costs & crap)
●Y socket adapters for the bulbs - $8
●Thermometer/Humidity reader - (on hand)

●My total so far: $84

I still have a couple things to purchase. The grow has not been set up yet.
Closet has been cleaned out, ready to go.
Just gathering up a couple more things but it shouldn't be to long.

Note: This is what I am using, I have no other options, this is my budget list and I can't go back now. If you are going to leave a comment leave some tips on what I already have. Don't tell me to go out and buy this, this, and this when I am clearly stating that I cannot do that. I can only move forward right now so please don't annoy me and don't be a dick. I have put a lot of thought & research into this grow. I have a pretty good idea of what I will be doing. of materials and stuff soon to come.


Active Member
if its one plant in a fairly large size closet under 100 high density watts id really get that light as up close n personal with the plant as you can...the cfls are good supplemental lighting but your growth is coming from the halide....maybe build some sort of reflector shield with some other shit you already have on hand and the tin foil...just get your temps worked out...u can macgruber the shit out of anything really, and it seems like you have the bare essentials to make it work...i know you dont wanna hear anything about go out n buy shit but next time, buy more than one fucking seed..throw a contingency plan on that shit



Active Member
September 6th: @ about 1:30 in the morning my germinated seed was planted. She is in the closet now in her moist FF soil under 46 watts for now. There was kind of an argument between my boyfriend and I about seed depth. We ended up trying to dig it back up without tossing to much soil around and we couldn't find it. I hope it's not down in there too deep. We will find out in a few days I guess. If not it's back to square one.

(Seed was found. See later posts.)



Active Member
Well today on September 7th I started freaking out about my little baby so I went digging for her. I know she was too deep. So after sanitizing my hands properly I found her. Way too deep. Her root was a lot longer and I can see the smallest set of leaves forming. I brought her back up to the correct depth in the dirt and hoped for her health! Her tiny TINY little leaves are green and the small little life looks healthy so I really hope it all turns out. I will check on her progress in the morning. Temp stays about 83-87 degrees and humidity stays at 40-50%. Still have the TWO 23 watt bulbs on her about 3-4 inches or so away. I know it's the worst thing to go digging for the seed and touching the root but I was as careful as I could be. :peace:


New Member
Well today on September 7th I started freaking out about my little baby so I went digging for her. I know she was too deep. So after sanitizing my hands properly I found her. Way too deep. Her root was a lot longer and I can see the smallest set of leaves forming. I brought her back up to the correct depth in the dirt and hoped for her health! Her tiny TINY little leaves are green and the small little life looks healthy so I really hope it all turns out. I will check on her progress in the morning. Temp stays about 83-87 degrees and humidity stays at 40-50%. Still have the TWO 23 watt bulbs on her about 3-4 inches or so away. I know it's the worst thing to go digging for the seed and touching the root but I was as careful as I could be. :peace:
im sorry but u r just to funny
i would vote for u every day
how deep did u plant seed
1/4 to 1/2 max is right depth
if them seeds dont work get back with me and i can tell u how to germ and sow


Active Member
@fabfun Hello and thanks for replying I actually just checked on her and she is tinyyyy tinyyy but poked through a little bit looking nice and healthy but it still a little too small for the lights in my opinion so I put a thin layer of dirt on her just to be safe. I see those two little leaves forming but they are very small. Since there is a belt in front of me I can compare it to this: that metal part that sticks in the holes of your's like the tip of that BARELY. So I am thinking she is a little to tiny for the light. :P It's like my baby! So I am checking on her every 3 hours hahaha.:peace:


New Member
@fabfun Hello and thanks for replying I actually just checked on her and she is tinyyyy tinyyy but poked through a little bit looking nice and healthy but it still a little too small for the lights in my opinion so I put a thin layer of dirt on her just to be safe. I see those two little leaves forming but they are very small. Since there is a belt in front of me I can compare it to this: that metal part that sticks in the holes of your's like the tip of that BARELY. So I am thinking she is a little to tiny for the light. :P It's like my baby! So I am checking on her every 3 hours hahaha.:peace:
i just love your excitement
enthusiastic growers

just dont mess with it
i know u want to touch it

u can call on me for any grow advice if i dont know the answer i will get someone that does

bet u feel like a new momma right now
haha love it


Active Member
i just love your excitement
enthusiastic growers

just dont mess with it
i know u want to touch it

u can call on me for any grow advice if i dont know the answer i will get someone that does

bet u feel like a new momma right now
haha love it

I really do! Haha! I'm not touching her anymore, just that one time with clean hands when I had to go digging for her. Thank GOD I did cause she was like 4 inches in the soil! Hahaha. But only looking for now. Now that she is up to the depth that she was SUPPOSE to be in in the first place I am not so worried but def. excited! I had an outdoor grow before but it all failed cause I didn't have proper soil, or PH, my dad was going to nurse them back to health but they were stolen. I do have a metal halide lamp for later but I'm not sure how to hook a ballast up LOL. Also a little worried about a closet fire. And thanks for your help and advice. I will need it!


New Member
I really do! Haha! I'm not touching her anymore, just that one time with clean hands when I had to go digging for her. Thank GOD I did cause she was like 4 inches in the soil! Hahaha. But only looking for now. Now that she is up to the depth that she was SUPPOSE to be in in the first place I am not so worried but def. excited! I had an outdoor grow before but it all failed cause I didn't have proper soil, or PH, my dad was going to nurse them back to health but they were stolen. I do have a metal halide lamp for later but I'm not sure how to hook a ballast up LOL. Also a little worried about a closet fire. And thanks for your help and advice. I will need it!
ok 4 inchs wtf tell me that was bf ideal
hell no we really need to talk
u need a intervention


New Member
since u are trying out for miss HT's and got your grow on RIU we need to step this up
cant look like grasscity


Active Member
Oh it was silly I know!! I have planted before outdoors and did it just perfectly to 8 plants. Just some miscommunication & before I knew it we lost the seed haha but it's perfectly fine now :P


Active Member
September 8th update: Had a small incident. My closet doesn't block light very well and I'm aiming for a stealth grow so I put together a rubbermaid grow box. Looks like 2 gray storage bins stacked but one of them has the bottom cut out. I forget how many gallons. I will update this post later. Right now I have a 23 watt CFL on the tiny sprout. I'm not sure why it's that small. I have a fan blowing in fresh air and an outtake hole at the bottom. Temp is staying between 83-88 degrees. Trying to get the humidity up a little bit. I hope the sprout grows more soon. I'll include a picture just to show how tiny it really is. I'm scared that two 23 watts would be too much since it's so young and delicate. Is something wrong with this sprout? I will add a better close up picture later.:peace:



As you can see. She is no bigger than the little speck of perlite next to her. This picture was zoomed in to the max.


Active Member

I call her Wiley the White Widow :P
This is her home. I know it's not exactly reflective and light does show through a little. Looks like a night light on the outside. Anything I can do to make the inside better?