My greenhouse experiment

Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
I have been pretty busy lately. These are the pics I took on the 1st day of the indoor flowering. Since then they are all flowering except 8 and 9 that went male on me. 80 % not to bad. I will post some new pics soon.


Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
Well, here are the pictures that have been a long time coming. I have switched to 1/3 strength MG rose food (18-24-16), since some of the organic stuff is causing a lot of mold. I am still using molasses every time I can. They are 16 days into flowering and look amazing. They are under 84w at 6500k and 138w at 2700k. I trimmed a lot of the lower fan leaves a month back but it did not seem to affect the girls at all. They did surprise me since most leaves don't get you high but these gave a nice head buzz that lasted about a hour per joint. I will post pics of the outdoor girls soon. They are on a different feeding regime than the inside ones. Enjoy the pics.


Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
One thing that can be said for the two girls in the house is that there is little smell. When I cut the males up the house was flood with a strong fruity marijuana scent but not while they were growing. I think we may be mistaking some of the smell for air freshener. Not sure.

Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
I should have updated the stasis of the outdoor girls by now but I have been too busy. These are some pics of the indoors girls I just took. They are getting one 1/2 strength feeding of MG rose bloom per week and molasses once every four days. They are going though about 2 liters of water per day now. I am constantly fighting the humidity in there but can seem to keep it steady around 58%. The seeds pods on the buds have begun filling with resins and now have hairs coming out. There are still not that many red hairs but it is only 4 1/2 weeks into the flower. The growth is slow right now but in a week or two I know it is going to jump though the roof. I did end up with a perfect 50/50 split with males and females by the end of everything. The three remaining males outside have been trimmed to only 2 ft tall. I am using them as leave producers because of the high THC content of this strain. I smoke some of it because it is unusually sweet and smooth tasting and one joint gives me a nice mellow head high for about 2 hours. This time has increased with the maturity of the plant. The rest of the leaves I make hash or, like last week, really concentrated cannabutter.

The last two pics are form my last deformed girl. She looks like she will naturally have two main colas but I not sure if the pics reflect it. I love watching the things nature does. Peace.


Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
In case anyone was wondering, there is only a light fruity fragrance inside the room but that could be from smoking with the girls. The odor control on this OSB strain is amazing. The next time I'm in Toronto I going to stop back by and talk with him some more about these girls. I only thing I don't like is the 50/50 non- feminized ratio but that is the be expected.

Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
Well here it is, finally. There is not much to tell about them. I give them a half strength dose of MG tomato once every week and a half and try to give them molasses once per week. I do forget about them more than I should. They are just now really starting to flower good and will be ready for harvest near the middle/end of October. Since the indoor girls are winding down I should focus on the outdoor girls more now. The indoor girls should get the chop in about four weeks. I hate the fact that my outdoor girls are so small. I am use to getting them at least ten tall but this strain is suppose to be grown indoors anyway. The last two pics are the last male that I have butchered down to two feet tall. I want to pollinate the lower buds so I don't have to buy these seeds anymore. Plus, I want to start a breeding program next years so I can get some of my favorite attributes out of this breed, such as the low odor and the high potency. I think a kush would be nice but I would love to add more shunk to it. But, I still have plenty of time to decide. Enjoy the pics.


Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
Here is the latest pics. Same schedule that they have been on, in a week and a half I will switch to water and maybe some molasses. The growth seems to have slowed and I hope that it will pick up soon. Enjoy the pics.


Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
I have switched these to the rose food and gave them molasses this morning. They still have over a month to go. I hope they hurry cold is coming. They haven't change much since the last post but they are growing. Enjoy the pics. The last one is the male that I am using to seed the lower buds on one of the girls.


Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
I was curious if anyone has had their allergies to flare up badly when their girls were flowering? Every time I go into the indoor nursery I spend the next hour sneezing and taking allergy pills. I have never grown indoors but have never had this problem outside and the outdoor girls don't bother me at all. Any tips, advice, and suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.

Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
Only two more weeks until harvest. I am only feeding molasses and water from now on. The final swelling has started. They have grown about a half inch in three days. The smell is wonderful but I am scared that the neighbors may notice. This strain is great because there has been no strong odors outside for the most part but in the final days I have been noticing traces of their scent while walking around my house. As for the outdoor girls, no smell has started but I am getting a carbon filter for both groups. It sucks because X number of plants are OK but my neighborhood is an upscale part of of the city and may neighbors could try to get me busted for distribution. Luckily, I don't sell shit so NARC's can kiss my ass. And if the cops do show up I can argue that the girls are for my hypertension and anxiety and I am not allowed a growing license, yet. Well, here are the girls again, enjoy.

PS..... I pollinated a few of the outdoor girl's lower buds yesterday so I don't have to buy these seeds again.


Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
Well, the time is here. This is last pics of the indoor girls before the big chop in a few days. I have been flushing them for over a week now but they really did not need it in the first place since I have been so restrictive in the past month. They are not as big as I would like but buds never are. Overall, I am please with the way they turned out considering this is the first time I have ever grown this strain. The seeds I get from the two bottom buds on one of the girls in the greenhouse will help me perfect growing this type. The second pic is the cola on the first girl. You will notice a thin spot in it. I got a little careless while trimming so the last pic is the result. That is the first accident I have had with them. Enjoy the pics. I should have the first cutting and drying pics in about two days. I may give them three but I doubt it. Peace.



Well-Known Member
That a very good looking plant man.. Should have added stronger CFL's to it..
Good genetics, good growing!!

Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
Today was the day, I finally finished the girls on the inside. One problem, though, my Mother in law walked in on me trimming. Luckily, she does know what they are but she is complaining about a odor that comes from the basement. Good thing they smell like grapefruits. I smoked some yesterday from the accident and after 4 small bowl hits, I was gone. The high is a great head high. I was blasted and still planted 2 trees, built a stone firepit, and added 10 sq/ft to my flagstone patio that I am building to cover the back lawn. The taste is sweet when inhaling with fruity tones and strong grapefruit flavor when exhaling. The resin is unbelievable on these girls, too. After touching I had to chew the resin off my fingers. The outdoor girls are going to be so much more work with all the yield I get from them. I wish I knew how much I have now but the biggest cola is 8 inches long, follewed by 7.5 and 6. But, what ever it is, it is not bad for only 2 grapefruits. I hope you all enjoyed the birth and life of the indoor girls. Now, in less than a month the cold will force me to harvest the outdoor girls. I should be updating them soon. Peace


Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
I started getting some bud rot on my girl so I chopped her today. I saved about 90% of the main cola. This one girl equaled the yield of of both the Indoor Girls. I have some Lady bugs cleaning up the next two. The lowest limb on this one hermied on the bottom but only had one small flower. The cold had stressed this the most. It has snowed some and been below freezing for one week now. One of the two girls left had a bit of bud rot starting but I removed it. I may chop it next week. I think I will only be able to keep the greenhouse warm for about 3 more weeks.

Here the pics from the first of the girls. Enjoy.:peace:

