My First Grow. HOw am I doing?


Active Member
This is my first post actually showing my setup and this is my first grow ever so i am excited to see the final product.
So my 3 Ladies are 3 weeks into flower I started 4 of them from seed and one turned male so i pulled it.
I am growing them in a mixture of ocean forest and worm poop. I am using Dyana Grow Bloom right now. During Veg i used DG Grow formula hah what a surprise. I water every other day and if i dont then the plants are not happy. When i water i will do 2 cycles of nuts and then one cycle of just phed

Temperature Humidity
Temp stays around 80-90 degrees Humidity is around 45-50.
For lights i am using one 90W UFO LED and 6 2700 K 23W CFLs. All of the CFLs have their own reflector to direct their light. I vegged these plants entirely under the 90W LED. I put a wire mesh screen over the top of the plants and let them grow into it to let me keep the canopy somewhat even due to only having the UFO for a light. It is a very efficient light but it does not penetrate very well.
My only pests so far have been fungus gnats and Thrips and i got rid of both. I feel like right now my plants have sme sort of nutrient deficiency but i cant tell what. They drop leaves every day. Mainly the lower ones. They just turn yellow and shrivel up. I thought it was due to lack of light on the lower branches but now i think they are missing something. I also have some purple spots on the outer edges of some leaves and one leaf is covered in purple spots.

Without Further Adieu Here are my Ladies.


This is a picture of my fan. It is just a big room fan that i removed from its housing and mounted in the top of the box. It pulls all the air up and out of the 6 exhaust holes that i cut in the top of the box. I then have those exhaust holes covered with cardboard kinda like an attic of a house. My carbon filters sit up top and clean and exhaust all of the air going out. I recently got a couple of 6 inch inline fans that i will make carbon filters out of because my 4 inch ones are not moving enough air.



This picture has the big fan leaf with all the purple spots on it. I am still not sure what it is.p.jpg

I would just like to say that i have not posted much on this site but i have read and learned a lot from everyone's experience and without this site i dont think that these plants would have turned out nearly at well as they have. I was not expecting much from this grow because it was my first ever. To be honest i thought that all of these plants would turn male because they all came from a bag seed of stuff that i got last year. Who knew i would get 3 females. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I too am in my first grow and in the 4th week of flower and using Dyna Grow Bloom. I just started
using kelp/seaweed liquified extract every 4th feeding mixed in with the Dyna grow.
Your first grow looks sweet!