My dr told me to quit smoking weed


Well-Known Member
that's why I say people just need to invest in some serious glass... look at honeycombs, inlines, showerhead, etc... all these diffusion methods combined create a super smooth smoke...

remember, the main ingredients to cannabis that irritate the lungs are WATER SOLUBLE... the more water filtration the better the smoke is for your lungs, period.

I highly recommend diffuser beads for those who have basic bongs without diffusers and dont' have the money to get anything better at the current moment... diffuser beads work GREAT and would be SIGNIFICANTLY better than nothing.
I'm certainly on-board with this one, thanks for sharing the link. Are these cleaned, or simply discarded at some point and replaced?.


New Member
Urca, if you want to be a winner, listen to the DOC. Once a week is fine. You won't miss anything. In fact you will enjoy it more. Less weed = less munchies=less weight=more energy=better retention with no cough = winner. A lady with a raggety ass bar cough is such a turn off.


Well-Known Member
Urca, if you want to be a winner, listen to the DOC. Once a week is fine. You won't miss anything. In fact you will enjoy it more. Less weed = less munchies=less weight=more energy=better retention with no cough = winner. A lady with a raggety ass bar cough is such a turn off.
while I do agree that the cough is no good... I don't think once a week is a reasonable solution for a serious stoner.. I think a change up in methods, pieces, and possibly weed supply is necessary.


New Member
So I had to go to get results of my blood work, and lucky me, I have wonderful cholesterol, all my organs are functioning perfectly, no sign of diabetes, and great blood pressure.
However the dr did say stuff about my weight, understandable. Then I just happened to cough, he took notice and asked me if I smoked cigarettes or weed, I admitted to the weed and said I smoked everyday. Also admitted I have a slight smokers cough.
He told me to quit smoking weed or only smoke it once a week.
I know I should listen to my dr, but I dont wanna quit. He said my cough will only get worse and that smoking weed during the school week impairs my memory during school.
GAH I guess Urca here is only smoking on Saturdays from now until my cough goes away.
My doctor told me to stop stuffing gerbils in my rectum. So I changed doctors.


Well-Known Member
Do what is right, I mean you only have 1 set of lungs and live once. So continue to smoke daily & it will all be over shortly. Wooo!!!


Well-Known Member
Well to answer your first question. I believe the troll to be Urca. #2. I never said I did not like her threads, I am just on the fence as to if this is meant to be serious, or an attempt at humor. And lastly why do you seem so aggravated? You should try green tea and a nice bath, That usually helps me when I am grumpy.
it appears to me that the guy with a controversial picture of kunte kinte would be more of a troll than me. Yeah, I may sound dumb at times but Im not a troll


Well-Known Member
Vap, vap, vap! or edibles. I prefer to fire up a bowl or joint, but have to occasionally only vap for a month to clear out the crud. Did the Doc try to give you an asthma inhaler? Mine does lol.
So I had to go to get results of my blood work, and lucky me, I have wonderful cholesterol, all my organs are functioning perfectly, no sign of diabetes, and great blood pressure.
However the dr did say stuff about my weight, understandable. Then I just happened to cough, he took notice and asked me if I smoked cigarettes or weed, I admitted to the weed and said I smoked everyday. Also admitted I have a slight smokers cough.
He told me to quit smoking weed or only smoke it once a week.
I know I should listen to my dr, but I dont wanna quit. He said my cough will only get worse and that smoking weed during the school week impairs my memory during school.
GAH I guess Urca here is only smoking on Saturdays from now until my cough goes away.


Well-Known Member
Its not controversial at all, The man in my avatar it Acting legend Levar Burton He played Toby Waller aka Kunte Kinte in the 1977 Alex Haley made for TV mini series "Roots." It is my favorite made for TV mini series EVER. I watch it every February to honor Black history month. I am sorry If my Avatar offends you. Good luck with your nails.

well im not offended, but some assholes on here will say something about it and try to pick a fight over it. personally, i like that movie


New Member
Its not controversial at all, The man in my avatar it Acting legend Levar Burton He played Toby Waller aka Kunte Kinte in the 1977 Alex Haley made for TV mini series "Roots." It is my favorite made for TV mini series EVER. I watch it every February to honor Black history month. I am sorry If my Avatar offends you. Good luck with your nails.
controversial? well, yes... by definition... but, more importantly, its retarded.