My dr told me to quit smoking weed


Well-Known Member
i smoke a respectable amount of cannabis and manage to keep in pretty good shape by doing calisthenics three times a week and running at least once a week. excercise is painful, but rather crucial for moderate to heavy smokers.


Well-Known Member
Tell your doctor you pay him
When he starts paying you then he can tell you what to do-
Start a thread to let us know what his response to that is


Well-Known Member
So I had to go to get results of my blood work, and lucky me, I have wonderful cholesterol, all my organs are functioning perfectly, no sign of diabetes, and great blood pressure.
However the dr did say stuff about my weight, understandable. Then I just happened to cough, he took notice and asked me if I smoked cigarettes or weed, I admitted to the weed and said I smoked everyday. Also admitted I have a slight smokers cough.
He told me to quit smoking weed or only smoke it once a week.
I know I should listen to my dr, but I dont wanna quit. He said my cough will only get worse and that smoking weed during the school week impairs my memory during school.
GAH I guess Urca here is only smoking on Saturdays from now until my cough goes away.
Kidding me right. Not to sould like a dick or anything,but your doctor said it was ok to be over I am not fat and all my doctors tell me i am a fat fuck and to lose weight. ...To give you an idea I am 5 10" and 200lbs. said i should be 185 and that extra weight will kill me