My 1st medicine cabinet. 270 watt ES Supernova LED. Onyx and EasyRyder Autoflowerfem


Active Member
That LED is doing great. I love the color of those leaves so dark and healthy. Looks like you've made a positive investment.
Hey thanks, it does seem to be doing the job so far! No regrets here. Hid-Hut has been really cool with their customer service. Any questions I have had have been answered with the quickness! Also the problem with the power supply was taken care of right away. I emailed them on last monday bout the problem, and by thursday I had a new power supply. Luckily the old one never crapped out completely and never interrupted the grow. Cant wait to see what happens over the next few weeks. Thanks for following!


Active Member
hey plants really grown since i last commented but iv bin watchin from the sidelines lol
apart frm molasses are you planing on using any other nutes or boosters?
They have grown even more since yesterday. One ONYX is up to 21" the other is at 16 and a half". The EasyRyder looks to be right at 20" tall now. I have fed them twice so far with some nutes. I have a kit called the recipe for success starter kit.PA110040.jpgPA110039.jpgPA110037.jpgPA110038.jpgPA110034.jpgjust a little starter kit for rookies like me. After this stuff I may try another line of products. Nothing wrong with this stuff that I can tell. Originally I was gonna go the fox farms route since I have the FF Ocean Forest soil but someone suggested this kit. Plus it cost like 30 bucks. Anyway thanks for at least checking it out from the sidelines!


New Member
oops, sorry. think I got my journals mixed up then lol

Not sure about the American side so much with organics. In Europe 'Canna' is the leading brand. A lot of their organic range we find produces better than the chem versions.


Active Member
Wondering if anyone has any experience with "The Dryer" by BC Norrhern lights. It's a little metal cabinet to dry medicine. Has a carbon filter in it also. I called them and it costs $660.00. Gonna take a little time for me to save up that loot. I need to figure out how I am gonna dry and cure my medicine without smelling up the whole house. I need to be stealth about it! Anyone have any plans to build a dryer type box? Hanging in the closet to dry is not an option at all for me! If I can't come up with some sort of plan I will probably have to use my grow cabinet for this harvest and hopefully have something in place for my next grow. Anyone use an herb dryer before? I read somewhere that u can buy an herb dryer on eBay for under $200.00. If an herb dryer will suffice I am definitely down with that price! Any info and help on this will be greatly appreciated! Thanks for following!


New Member
dont you have the grow room itself available? if not, get a tent and set up without lights is one option. 600 bucks for any dryer is probably more money than sense scenario


Active Member
dont you have the grow room itself available? if not, get a tent and set up without lights is one option. 600 bucks for any dryer is probably more money than sense scenario
Actually using my grow cabinet is an option. Just want to get something else in place so i can have a quick turn around. Im not trying to rush the dry time also just Looking to do it as stealth as possible. I've been doing a little research on building a diy dryer. I found a couple different plans using one of those rubbermaid plastic totes. Gonna do some more research and come up with something. Thanks for the input!


New Member
yer welcome. Just remember that the best way to dry is naturally. around 75 degrees f, 50 humidity and about 5 days. Then jarred up to cure. Stealth isnt needed for a great time period. Prioritise the expenditure, you never know when a ballast or something will pop. ;-)


Active Member
hey iv used canna terra pro soil before and was impressed and iv recently got canna boost accelerator, have you have and exp with this product? just used it for the first time today
oops, sorry. think I got my journals mixed up then lol

Not sure about the American side so much with organics. In Europe 'Canna' is the leading brand. A lot of their organic range we find produces better than the chem versions.


New Member
Being straight up, we have found the Canna Bio Boost far more effective than the chem version. Having said that we always grow bio and the chem grows I have compared to have not been our own. If you have the bio great, if not perhaps they will change it? But yes thumbs up Canna generally.


Active Member
yer welcome. Just remember that the best way to dry is naturally. around 75 degrees f, 50 humidity and about 5 days. Then jarred up to cure. Stealth isnt needed for a great time period. Prioritise the expenditure, you never know when a ballast or something will pop. ;-)
Your right! Been doing a little research asked in the harvesting forum also. Got a good link to a diy bud dryer.http:// Build a Cheap Marijuana bud dryer

Looks easy and cheap to build. I already have a carbon filter just gotta get the rest. I was wondering about doing a couple mods to the idea. What about using a thermostat/humidistat? Or at least a humidistat. With this type of a dryer I assume the fan needs to be running always for the filter to do it's job? If the fan is not exhausting then odor will leak out right? So I guess a speed controller would be in order also? I don't know just some thoughts I had while chillin in my chair taking tokes after work. Any thoughts or ideas on this are appreciated! Time to go water the ladies.


Active Member
hmm idno its only the 250ml one so think il just use that up then if it disapoints prehaps try the bio version


New Member
Dunno, as I mentioned, I dont really see the need for any expense at all for drying but that prerogative is yours of course.

You will require that type of set up, fans and carbon filter in the grow room anyway. If you have these, then you should really be looking at the best way to incorporate into two spaces if that is what you are doing. (as oppose to using the original grow room) It shouldn't affect any perpetual harvest as next batches would be in veg and you would only take a few days to dry enough for curing.


Active Member
Well I just gave the ladies a much needed drink. Just straight ph'd water this time. I noticed on a couple plants(1onyx and the easyryder) a few dead pistils on the main stem down near the bottom.View attachment 1208435View attachment 1208437View attachment 1208438

I also noticed a couple dead pistils(more like the tips) on these nuggs near the top of the EasyryderView attachment 1208441View attachment 1208442

Is this all something normal? Or am i just a worrying rookie? The EasyRyder still has curling down on some leaves with a little yellowing on the tips. Mostly on smaller leaves. View attachment 1208474View attachment 1208475View attachment 1208476

Other than these couple things they still look awesome too me! They are very therapeutic also! My football team is doing really shitty, and I would normally be a pissy moody bitch because of that! But this football season is different. Yeah I still care about my team, but this first grow started at the perfect time. I havent taken the losses too hard since the girls have been around. LOL Anyway here are a few more pics from tonight. Thanks for following!View attachment 1208477View attachment 1208478View attachment 1208479View attachment 1208480View attachment 1208481View attachment 1208483View attachment 1208484View attachment 1208486View attachment 1208487


New Member
hmm idno its only the 250ml one so think il just use that up then if it disapoints prehaps try the bio version
Those bottles are indeed small, practically one smallish indoor grow. If you use it, stick to it, I advise against mixing bio and chem :-)


Active Member
Hey man i just looked through your grow. I am currently using a 400w hps in a small closet SOG and I like looking through these LED Grows because the tech has moved pretty quick in the last couple years and i think its going to be the lighting choice of the future. That said I love my HID right now my growbright HPS and MH conversion bulbs seem to work great and the entire setup was $160 shipped. But in a couple years LEDs are going to come down in price those calyxLED prices werent too shabby. Whatever though if it werent for the people buying them now than there wouldnt be a demand for the technology. So anyways onto my advice I cant see the latest pics (my pc is a pos) but i saw some previous pics and Im wondering what youve been feeding them for nutes? I have the same Technaflora kit I havent used it much yet but i am familiar with it and i might be able to tell you what your over/under feeding them. As for the pistils dying Thats normal man thats how you know your plants maturing the pistils will be mostly colored by the time you chop No need to worry :). Oh and dont spend ur money on a dryer you can use your cab for 4 days or as 3lions suggested setup another cab to go perpetual/dry. I honestly cant beleive how much that LED rig costs for what looks like buds that could be produced with a 400w hps. But hey i havent used it so who am i to judge.

nice grow