My 164 Watt CFL Grow


Active Member
I find MG to be the leading PROBLEM in most peoples grows. Not becuase it is a bad soil, but because of the additives we do to the soil to try and help our plants. MG + additional nutrients can some times nute-lock your plant


Well-Known Member
HaHa its the thought that counts lensta. Yeah I have pretty much drawn the conclusion to NEVER BUY A MG PRODUCT EVER AGAIN. Mass produced chemmy crap. I mean, that soil is like POISON for plants. Don't they test that shit? I wasn't adding nutes for a while when I transplanted the other plant I have in flower right now, and a week after the transplant what do I get? Fucking nute burn. Why is this stuff found everywhere? Buyers beware... this has been your consumer report.


Well-Known Member
Alright time for another update with some pics. I just took some shots with the NEW new camera. A real nice little Sony DSC-W120, it has very decent macro functions for a camera of this price and the software and camera itself are really user friendly. I just took some shots of the top buds forming on the LST sativa, a shot of the whole plant, and then a shot of the problem my plant is going through right now, necrotic spotting and yellowing of the lower fans. No pics of the topped plant, didn't take her out of the box today she wasn't thirsty. If anyone has any new advice or ideas pertaining to those nasty spots it would be appreciated, still worstened a great deal since yesterday's flush...



Well-Known Member
First off, LUMENS DO NOT ADD UP, look it up from a trustworthy source. i heard a good analogy once. its like two cars on the highway, if two cars going the same speed merge they are still both going the same speed, whereas if another car comes speeding up at twice the speed he would fly by both cars. or like a machine gun firing at a brick wall, having two makes no big diff, but add a canon and blow the whole wall down. Just the same adding more small cfl's just gives you MORE low intesity light, more evenly spread, thats the only advantage. But I assure you, the highest lumen bulb one chooses to use trumps the smaller ones in intensity. Oh, and 6500k daylight spectrum is FULL spectrum light. 4100k cool white still resides mostly in the blue spectrum, and if anyone would read the first post I am adding another light later on.

oh and my plants stay at just the right temp, thanks
Quit spreading misinformation. Yes lumens do not add however you would almost double the amount of usable plant light if you added another 65 watt bulb. Yes they have a cumulative effect for growing.

By the way nice looking plants.


Well-Known Member
Dude if you are honestly reading that far back in this thread you should've noticed another post pertaining to this subject, the one to never bring it up again. I never said having 2 lights isn't better than one. I no longer care about lumens, or about them adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing for that matter. We grow pot, we don't teach physics classes, we grow pot. I think the amount of time wasted on this lumen debate everyone cares so much about could be better used learning something that is actually useful, and relovent to growing. From what I've heard since the previous argument, lumens are not what matters at all. I haven't even been using that single 65 watt bulb for about 8 weeks now, I upgraded to 4 40 watts. So PLEASE, lets put the subject to rest.


Well-Known Member
Okay, yesterday I showed you guys how my LST sativa was doing, this morning its the topped ones turn. Still showing a lot of that nute burn ugliness, but the new growth now looks healthy. You'll notice the vertical growth on this one, shes getting fucking tall, too tall. I really need to figure out a way to get some more space between her and the lights. I already cut a circle out of the bottom of my box so the pot is suspended in air about 3 inches below the box. I'm thinking about modifying the top but that will be a pain, any ideas anyone?



Well-Known Member
Just a quick non pick blurb here, a picture of what I'll be explaining would only be depressing. I opened my box today to find that my LST plants situation is NOT getting better. Necrotic spots everywhere, its like she has chicken pox. I do not have the time to keep flushing although I would like to give her one more, she needs Mg now. I think the reason for the possible PH nute lock could have been the sulfur in the epsom salts. I am not sure of the PH of sulfur, but apparently theres more sulfur than Mg in epsom salts. I think the best path is to feed with light nutes and epsom salts every other water, only fresh water in between feedings.


Well-Known Member
I was just taking a peek in the box and I realized I've never taken pics of my carbon filter, or of how I cut out the bottom of my box to accommodate my tall plant. I took a pic of the carbon filter, one of how the tall plant sits low, and one of the pc fan feeding the carbon filter as well. the only thing I use for wind is the passive intakes, if you peak in when the door is closed you can see the leaves shake nicely.



Well-Known Member
To continue my extensive posting this morning, due to extreme bordness, I have to inform you of what I just purchased. If you've been following my thread you know I'm having some problems with my plants. I decided that I have been going about this all wrong, I have been trying to find a balance of shitty chem fertilizers to grow my plant effectively. Why not just order new quality organic nutes, feed pure water to effectively purify their soil, and start a new organic feeding schedule upon the new nutes arrival? I just got done ordering some Pure Blend Pro Grow and Pure Blend Pro Soil Bloom. I am done trying to find a balance of crap, I'll just use some quality stuff thats already balanced perfectly. I plan on finding their feeding schedule online and just pick it up on week 4 of flowering. Sound like a good plan what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
More sad news about the LST plant. This plant just refuses to get any better. A few days ago I flushed with about a gallon of water, which should be plenty for a 6 inch pot. After the flush had fully drained I followed by supplementing with water and Mg, nothing else. It seemed to slow the problem, but what do you know I go to get her out of the box for her next flush today and its gotten worse again. Almost every fan leaf is all spotted and the tips are curling up, THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE MG DEFICIENCEY, WHY DOESN'T FEEDING WITH MG HELP?

Really pissing me off, her sister is doing okay, still in the last stages of recovery from nute burn. At least she is improving, I will get lots of buds off of her. To be honest I'm already looking to my next grow.

I have been getting frustrated with the lack of space in my box and the fact that I have nowhere to start a small veg/clone box. I drew something up for a handyman I know, and he doesn't ask questions ;), its a two chamber grow box on the inside, and just your average storage cabinet on the outside. Flower chamber will be 36"H, 24"W, and 24"D. The Veg chamber will be give or take 24"H, 24"W, and 24"D. A lot more room, its going to be COOL. I hope its done soon so I can stop having to turn my plants till they're parralel with the ground to get them out of the box!


Well-Known Member
Time for a pic update everyone! I just took shots of various buds from both plants, the first 4 pics are of the LST Sativa, and the last two are from some lower shoots of the topped plant. Look at all that FROST, take a look at this all you cfl haters, and how does this happen to sick plants haha.



Well-Known Member
I went into flower on september 3rd, nearly 4 weeks ago. I would imagine they both would be further along by now if it weren't for the complications...


Well-Known Member
Alright just a quick update here. Just got the Botanicare nutes in yesterday, gave the little ladies their first taste of the stuff this morning. I cant wait to see how they like it. I just started at week 4 of flowering on their recommended feeding schedule. Also, my buddy thats building me a box is getting close to completion. I can't wait, one of my plants is REALLY hurting for the extra space.


Well-Known Member
They are looking mighty sweet dankness! They look like you have done a good job with them in my opinion! I am amazed that you got all that into one cardboard box! looks like a TV Box and you have all that! Brilliant!

Have a look at my AI grow and tell me if I am on track. I hope you continue growing even though you had a few problems.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words guys, I know I keep saying this but it really is amazing what you can accomplish with some creativity and some help from veteran growers right here on RIU! There were times when I thought the outcome of this grow would be sketchy, but I could not be more satisfied with my first grow. It seems to be going just as planned, a learning experience and some buds as well, cant complain about that!