My 164 Watt CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to be keeping the lights I have all the way through, thanks. I may change the two 40 watt daylight bulbs to 40 watt soft white when I flower for 4 total 40 watt soft whites, but nothing more than that. Anyone still following my still picture less thread may be interested to know that I made some ventilation upgrades today. I got rid of the 80mm pc cooling fan today and made something spectacular. I constructed a carbon filter out of a piece of duct and some screen with an activated carbon filter wrapped around the screen. I used duct tape to seal the whole thing, I wish I could show you it really looks and works great. I picked up a 120mm pc cooling fan and mounted it in the top corner of my box to feed the carbon filter. I now just use the hole where the small pc intake fan was as a passive intake, and it works great. The suction from the exhaust fan feeding the filter brings in some nice breeze through the passive intake, I peeked through a crack and saw the leaves shaking nicely. Its cool the door will suck shut on the box because of the vaccum inside. Ill try to post pics soon.

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Your air flow upgrades sound great and wish I could see it too. I found that using a good exhaust and passive intake works best as well. I'll be making a carbon filter soon as well... my plants are starting to smell (i love it).. but some of my friends are starting to notice when they come to visit.. we just light of some incense for now, but I should have made the filter a long time ago... I'll post pics of it of course.

Glad to here things are going well.


The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
Ok so I wish really wish I could get my hands on a decent digital camera to show you guys my plants. I think a couple are showing sex! Exciting to say the least. But I have never had to sex plants before, I've only ever worked with cannabis in my old roomates bloom room and they were all taken from female mothers. The pre flowers look long like they're going to be female, but I don't know for sure. I hope some hairs spit out of them soon. Anyway if I used my cell phone the growth wouldn't even show up. Note to anyone still listening, DO NOT BUY FEIT ELECTRIC CFL's. The two 40 watt daylight bulbs I had both burnt out within a day of eachother, about 2 weeks after I bought them, those assholes. I should have kept the receipt... But I put the 65 watt back in there with the two 40 watt soft whites and they seem to be doing fine. Thats all for now I know you guys will flip when someday you see how different my plants look.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I finally got tired of waiting for a digital to use so I decided to take some more shitty cell phone pics. The first two pictures are of the Indica and the Sativa which I used the LST technique on. The third picture is of the Indica and the Sativa which were topped and fimmed, respectively. Take a look at those LST beauties, seems to be far more effective than the Top or FIM techniques. Topping and fimming seems to really stress the plants. I decided I will flower them very soon as I am running out of room in that cardboard box of mine. I went out and got a couple 42 watt soft whites and now have two 40 watt soft whites and two 42 watt soft whites(pretty much the same just different size, sylvania bulbs are way more compact, they're the best) for a total of 164 watts of soft white cfl. I'm hoping this will suffice as I have no room for anything more. I tried to add this adapter that gives you one socket straight down, and two outlets opposite eachother on the sides(Which I tried to add the 4 40 watts to with a couple outlet-to-socket adapters and two splitters) so I could have a daylight bulb in there as well, but it was too tall. So here they are guys tell me what you think.



Well-Known Member
Oh and I am fully aware of how droopy the top and fim job plants are. I am trying to solve this problem as we speak. I think its just stress from the topping and fimming, so I am going to give them a little time. I do have another theory though, I think they may be root bound. They were doing much better about a week ago after all the pruning was over, but since then they have grown quite a bit. I am going to transplant them if they dont look up soon, also to 6 inch pots like the lst plants. Right now they are in some makeshift pots I made from some juice containers, decent size but apparently not big enough.

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Cellphone pics.. Hey, it's still cana-porn. =]

And they are looking good... I do see the drooping that you were talking about.. and I agree, it may be more root bound then topping stress.

The first 2 pix look ok in those pots.. but that last pic... I can't really tell what they are in, but it does seem like they would benefit from a transplanting.

Keep us updated man.. and keep having fun.

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
Those containers are about the same height as the 6 inch pots but a bit narrower. I thought they'd be enough room for the plants as I new I'd be flowering early anyway. I have good news though since yesterday after a good watering and a dose of nutes both of those plants are looking better. Most notably that indica in the backround of the third pic, she was reaching beautifully today. Looks like they like to stretch when they wake up in the morning too haha.


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to some new pics man everything sounds great !!

I'm a big fan of Indicas especially how they look, love it !!

Have a good one !!


Well-Known Member
Okay so my first attempt at making ISO hash from a male plant took place today. I took the plant, cut it up into several pieces and put it in my blender, then added some Iso alcohol until the plant matter was fully covered. I blended it for about a minute and a half on the blenders lowest setting (that thing is scary on anything higher) and then strained the matter through coffee filters into a glass. Right now its setting on my window sill until the alcohol evaporates. Should be ready tomorrow I'll let you guys know how it turns out.

Now I'm down to 3 plants, two of which are showing sex, I just don't know which sex yet. I transplanted the FIMed indica into the 6 inch pot the male was in and it seems to be doing fine. I also raised the lights today, the plants are showing great vertical growth.


Well-Known Member
First confirmed female WOOHOO! Boy am I happy to get at least one. The other indica I have growing is starting to show male I think... Well good to have 1 guaranteed female anyway. Oh god I'm talking to myself aren't I, no one reads this fucking thread...


Well-Known Member
First confirmed female WOOHOO! Boy am I happy to get at least one. The other indica I have growing is starting to show male I think... Well good to have 1 guaranteed female anyway. Oh god I'm talking to myself aren't I, no one reads this fucking thread...


Well-Known Member
First confirmed female WOOHOO! Boy am I happy to get at least one. The other indica I have growing is starting to show male I think... Well good to have 1 guaranteed female anyway. Oh god I'm talking to myself aren't I, no one reads this fucking thread...

hahah, shut up

We do read your thread.. well.. I do at least in fact I'm subscribed so I get fancy emails every time, lol.. I'm soo happy that you got yourself a girl there bud..I'm down to 1 plant and hope its a she.. although its starting to look like it.. still a bit too early to tell.. So I'm VERY curious as to how your ISO turns out as I'm in the process of doing the same with my male plant.. Question, did you let your plants completely dry out before hand or just chop it down chop it up and go for it ?? Also when you say glass.. do you mean like a drinking cup or more a glass dish ? the only reason I ask is becase if it's in a drinking cup it'll take longer to evapourate as it has less surface area than it it were in say a glass pie dish or glass shallow pan.. you know what I mean heh

Anyway, sounds like things are going well Dank
Keep it up !!


Well-Known Member
hahah, shut up

We do read your thread.. well.. I do at least in fact I'm subscribed so I get fancy emails every time, lol.. I'm soo happy that you got yourself a girl there bud..I'm down to 1 plant and hope its a she.. although its starting to look like it.. still a bit too early to tell.. So I'm VERY curious as to how your ISO turns out as I'm in the process of doing the same with my male plant.. Question, did you let your plants completely dry out before hand or just chop it down chop it up and go for it ?? Also when you say glass.. do you mean like a drinking cup or more a glass dish ? the only reason I ask is becase if it's in a drinking cup it'll take longer to evapourate as it has less surface area than it it were in say a glass pie dish or glass shallow pan.. you know what I mean heh

Anyway, sounds like things are going well Dank
Keep it up !!
I just cut it down and through it in the blender. I figure it shouldn't matter if its dry as you're just soaking all the good stuff into alcohol anyway, plus I kinda didnt think of this before (oops). Oh and I used a short wide glass cup I had, also didn't think of the time factor, man I'm slipping on my preperation skills. And now that you mention it it IS taking forever, should be ready tonight though.


Well-Known Member
lol.. that got a good laugh outta me.. Thank you !!

Mine should be ready tonight as well I hope.. I'll have pics in my thread of how everything went and looked.. try to get me a pic of your final result if you can plz.. even if its a cell phone pic.. I'm just curious to see how the final results you achieved looked.

Thanks bud,
Hopefully we both get right fucked up tonight !!!


Well-Known Member
Important news all, ANOTHER FEMALE. That means I have 2 beauties now, one lanky LST sativa, and a topped and topped again 75/25 sativa/indica mix(guessing, its bagseed). I am so excited to have two plants, mostly because the one female looks basically pure sativa and I wanted a little more variety. Well I got it, I gave both ladies their final prune today, cleared up a lot of light blocking fans, the lower shoots are receiving A LOT more light now. I re-positioned the plants and I basically have 2 40 watts concentrated on each plant. They still are only about 14-18 inches tall so I think this will be enough light. I am REALLY glad I used the space saving techniques I did because I think it will pay off in the final yield, lots of bud sites on these plants. All is going well wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Good Luck !!

Nah, you don't need luck man.. your doing great so far !! Congrats on the 2nd lady, I'm telling ya its such a fantastic feeling. Not that I need to tell ya. lol Hopefully we'll get to see some pics of everything sooner than later as I'm very much excited to see your girls... specially the sativa. Well and the blend as I'm curious to try and identify my plant a bit better.. I know its more Indica than sativa but I'd like to try and get as "precise" as possible.

Anyway everything sounds great man !! Keep it up !