Mother plant growth techniques... What works for you???


Well-Known Member
If you have any techniques for mother plants and want to discuss them. This is the thread.

My idea for a good mother plant consist of either a 10+ gallon bucket full of soil or a 5 gallon bucket with a 5" net pot and a beautiful nutrient mixture of choice with a 40L/m air pump hooked to an air disc right below some beautiful white roots sucking up every bit of it. Lights being a 1000 watt MH with a 5000k bulb placed a foot above the plants to promote very little stretching and allowing enough shoot production for cuttings.

Any ideas to add to this or ideas of your own feel free to discuss it here. I would like to hear as many techniques as possible to see if I find 1 that works better for me as I am still somewhat new to cloning. Still looking for a nice cloning technique as well.

Post away and don't feel stupid about discussing your ideas here.


Active Member
I cut a cunch of clones off of a mother, then she goes into flowering. Her offspring replace her.

OR.. Cut a bunch of clones, and right before you put them in flower you take a clone off of each one and they become the next set of plants.

I have done this 7 or 8 generations so far with no loss in genetic quality.


Well-Known Member
In 20 lts of good soil I just top it , top them, top that all and when the mum is a small garden hedge I stick it in the flower room with the hydro and do a organic single for me
she will live for about a year over All
what's the deal with hedge hogs
why can't they share like every other fuck?


Well-Known Member
In 20 lts of good soil I just top it , top them, top that all and when the mum is a small garden hedge I stick it in the flower room with the hydro and do a organic single for me
she will live for about a year over All
what's the deal with hedge hogs
why can't they share like every other fuck?
Not really sure what you mean by "In 20 its of good soil" I personally wouldn't go with the top it and flower it technique but if it works for ya then keep it up :D I am more aiming for doing a nice healthy set of mothers I can cut 20 clones from every 2 weeks and make a very nice sog with them. No veg period aside from while they're rooting. Let me get some pictures together of what I have as of right now. Just started growing again so bare with me :D

You can always look at the link in my sig to view my girls in updated form.



Active Member
i think the most use full way to use a mother would be to keep taking clones from it every week or 2, as many as u can take at a time. get them to root nice and then flower then. eventually u will have a harvest every week or 2.

more mothers = more cuttings and more buds.

works great for s/scog



Active Member
I like the thinking :D Keep it up guys

thanks man

and i must say there is no such thing as no more clones to take.

if u run out of places to cut from. just pinch the top alittle between ur fingers and bend it over 90 degrees, it will trigger even more hormones to make more side branching.

there is also a way to clone from the roots of your plant as well. but from what i have ready it is quiet a slow proses.

and don't forget the super daring move of plant tissue culture. if u can get a sterile environment.



Well-Known Member
No mothers for me. I just let the plant veg out till the pre flowers show. take some cuttings and flower it out. Let the cuttings veg for say a month and then I just keep taking cuttings a week before they get moved to flowering root the cuttings veg a month then more cuttings before flowering. This cycle keeps my numbers down and keeps the strain going.


Well-Known Member
No mothers for me. I just let the plant veg out till the pre flowers show. take some cuttings and flower it out. Let the cuttings veg for say a month and then I just keep taking cuttings a week before they get moved to flowering root the cuttings veg a month then more cuttings before flowering. This cycle keeps my numbers down and keeps the strain going.
According to many this technique works very well. I personally think if you are going to grow many plants you want to age your mothers a little to get more branches to get cuttings off of :D I have seen a lot of ops that the grower takes a cutting and flowers the mother then on the the clone next time around. Might have to try it 1 time as an experiment :) +rep DD


Well-Known Member
A mother plant is a must if you are gonna go into indoor growing,the most important thing is to make sure that the plant is topped has regular has possible not just the main cola head but all the heads this will give you a constant ammount of clone's.You realy want the plant to be small so it will be easy to keep bigger is not always better i have had a mother at 2 ft tall and she produced 60 clone's and more every time that i needed them.But this was all because i topped her and she had about 7 main stem's if you are wanting hundreds of plants then you will need to go bigger but i realy don't need to do this mine is all for me and me alone.I always clone 3 week before the clone's are needed this will allow you to root them in a week and another two week under a 250 hps will take them up to 1 ft .Then into the flowering room where i will veg for about another 7 days then flower but i have been flowering straight from 1 ft tall and had realy good results, i flower at 1 ft because this will let the plant be no higher than 2 1/2 ft to 3 ft tall.


Well-Known Member
Yea as I agree with small mothers for personal use I have a few clients expecting meds every other week so I need that high count of vegetation. When I dial all of my hydro systems in and my cloner I will be starting some "How I Clone" and "Cloning Made Easy With DIY Materials" threads to help those having the issues I was having a few months back when I first started cloning again after being away from doing my own clones for like 5 years lol I had to relearn a lot. This thread is basically dedicated to those who want to learn how to clone and how to keep their mothers by experienced growers. I am just here to help :D Enjoy everyone