Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ..."

I'm Buddhist, there's no under god in my religion. Therefore making a pledge to under god isn't respecting my establishment of religion and is definitely BS indeed.


Well-Known Member
We should throw out the constitution? I agree!
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ..."

I'm Buddhist, there's no under god in my religion. Therefore making a pledge to under god isn't respecting my establishment of religion and is definitely BS indeed.
so your saying congress should make laws disrespecting establishments of religion and/or prohibit the exercise of religion?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
so your saying congress should make laws disrespecting establishments of religion and/or prohibit the exercise of religion?
The OP thinks getting rid of God in the pledge makes us a godless immoral nation. So I was mocking him and saying we should throw out the constitution, then he can have his God fearing nation back. As long as the constitution is in place, it means no God in the pledge.


Well-Known Member
Lol...the "pledge of allegiance"
I wouldn't want my kids to be forced to pledge their allegiance to anything, especially in school where they're supposed to be learning. also, since God doesn't exist, I wouldn't want a school reinforcing the opposite idea in my children.
And finally, "with liberty and justice for all" is a fucking joke. I'd be laughing if it weren't so sad.


Well-Known Member
Lol...the "pledge of allegiance"
I wouldn't want my kids to be forced to pledge their allegiance to anything, especially in school where they're supposed to be learning. also, since God doesn't exist, I wouldn't want a school reinforcing the opposite idea in my children.
And finally, "with liberty and justice for all" is a fucking joke. I'd be laughing if it weren't so sad.


Well-Known Member
Lol...the "pledge of allegiance"
I wouldn't want my kids to be forced to pledge their allegiance to anything, especially in school where they're supposed to be learning. also, since God doesn't exist, I wouldn't want a school reinforcing the opposite idea in my children.
And finally, "with liberty and justice for all" is a fucking joke. I'd be laughing if it weren't so sad.
Worse even, they are being told to pledge themselves to a FLAG and a country rather than the Constitution, which is what everyone else pledges to that serves this country.

Indivisible? really, so individible that a family has to sue a school over some of the words? No, it should be taken out completely from every public school.


Well-Known Member
I got in trouble at school for saying "and the home of the braves" (as in native americans) at the end of The Star Spangled Banner whenever I was pressured into conformity and made to sing in grade school.


Well-Known Member
Lol...the "pledge of allegiance"
I wouldn't want my kids to be forced to pledge their allegiance to anything, especially in school where they're supposed to be learning. also, since God doesn't exist, I wouldn't want a school reinforcing the opposite idea in my children.
And finally, "with liberty and justice for all" is a fucking joke. I'd be laughing if it weren't so sad.
Fact: Didn't even exist in schools til the post-ww2 'red' scare.
I don't know what the founding fathers woulda thought. but I'm guessing Jefferson would have sold Monticello and moved to cali or 'rado by now. He'd probably own 20 dispensaries, have millions and dozens of wage 'slaves'.

edit: please don't throw stones. I'm a canuck and just happy not to have been invaded. Fuck, there i go again. Exit stage left (running)

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Yoiu are right, it IS bullshit for a state to mandate that any pledge be said in school.
I think that's one of the only things we agree on. There are even some christian sects which refuse the pledge because it makes the flag a false idol before God. Because God said only pledge yourself to God. Any other allegiance, besides your family is idolatry


Well-Known Member
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ..."

I'm Buddhist, there's no under god in my religion. Therefore making a pledge to under god isn't respecting my establishment of religion and is definitely BS indeed.
what kind of buddhism are you?


Well-Known Member
I think a mandated pledge is BS because if you're commanded to conform like the masses around you to pledge upon something, it doesn't mean jack shit. This is also a problem of people going with the flow to "fit in" or remain in a comfort zone.

If you say a pledge, let's say of any sort or liking, on your own accord without being prompted, it becomes meaningful because it matters to that individual enough to do it on their own.

Real problems with people and conformity.