Mississippi's proposed "Personhood Amendment"


Well-Known Member
came across this on the NYtimes: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/26/us/politics/personhood-amendments-would-ban-nearly-all-abortions.html?hp

Seems insane to me, not only would this make abortion the legal equivalent of murder - but it would also make certain forms of birth control, like IUD's, completely illegal.

Oh and it's a religious agenda of course:
“Personhood is bigger than just shutting abortion clinics; it’s an opportunity for people to say that we’re made in the image of God.”


Well-Known Member
“Personhood is bigger than just shutting abortion clinics; it’s an opportunity for people to say that we’re made in the image of God.”

That is funny, you see God kills us, ALL of us, some right soon, some a little later, if we are in the image of Him, who is to say that we cannot decide who makes it out of the womb?

The more nasty argument is the one I like best. This country, like it or not, balances the freedoms of the individuals upon children. We call it "collateral damage" but the death of children is the price we pay for our freedom. We have to have guns in this country, no doubt, the 2nd amendment seems to guarantee it, but in so doing we wind up killing children in crossfires and in accidents. We insist on claiming that our soldiers and airmen are "preserving our rights" but they wind up killing thousands of childrend in the process. Now, unfortunately, in order to preserve our rights, we are forced to allow fetuses to be killed. how is one substancialy different than another?


Well-Known Member
And of course, the right wants to protect "the most helpless of us" using government regulation and intrusion into our individual lives, but the right insists that government NOT protect any of the other "most helpless of us". Typical compartmentalization that is the hallmark of the disingenuous right.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I support this 100%. As an atheist libertarian for life.


When does life start? When it can tell you no please don't kill me? You then kill off practically all children under 2 and all stupid people. Anyone who's too stupid to tell you they want life should die? How.about viability? How viable is a week old infant? They can't feed themselves and must rely on a guardian figure. So they're a parasite? Let's be followers of Mohamad, peas be upon him, and say it's when bones form. That's really scientific huh? So at what second can we say yes or no? Biologists say and a murder trial say it's when a sperm and egg join, life. So when you can tell me it's no longer double homicide to kill a pregnant woman, we can talk again. Funny how it's taking your life back from some sort of abuse because you didn't know a penis in your vagina gets you pregnant. But, that scumbag killed my baby! So one's a baby and the other a life burden parasite? Only if the woman decides? Had this personhood been defined correctly in the constitution from the beginning, abortion would've been banned long ago. I have children. I can't imagine my wife considering abortion. If we have more, so be it. No matter how hard it gets. You pro-choice advocates make me sick. It's evil, not just religious, but a humanist too.


New Member
I support this 100%. As an atheist libertarian for life.


When does life start? When it can tell you no please don't kill me? You then kill off practically all children under 2 and all stupid people. Anyone who's too stupid to tell you they want life should die? How.about viability? How viable is a week old infant? They can't feed themselves and must rely on a guardian figure. So they're a parasite? Let's be followers of Mohamad, peas be upon him, and say it's when bones form. That's really scientific huh? So at what second can we say yes or no? Biologists say and a murder trial say it's when a sperm and egg join, life. So when you can tell me it's no longer double homicide to kill a pregnant woman, we can talk again. Funny how it's taking your life back from some sort of abuse because you didn't know a penis in your vagina gets you pregnant. But, that scumbag killed my baby! So one's a baby and the other a life burden parasite? Only if the woman decides? Had this personhood been defined correctly in the constitution from the beginning, abortion would've been banned long ago. I have children. I can't imagine my wife considering abortion. If we have more, so be it. No matter how hard it gets. You pro-choice advocates make me sick. It's evil, not just religious, but a humanist too.
I guess you support big government


Well-Known Member
its arrogance in subtle form to think that we are made in gods image.No one knows Gods image,mankind has only weak perceptions of this.Fools,this bill shall be shot down.If a woman wants abortion let her have it.If they want birth control give it to them..Dont have kids or get a woman pregnant if you have no intention of taking care of the child and showing it love always.Thats the problem to many people having sex irresponsibly,then you have this sort of prob happening.Leave the choice to the woman its her body.And so what if the fetus dies you say murder,well the fetus never knew what hitem,no suffering end of story.Click

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I guess you support big government
Shows how little you know me. I'm actually nearer to anarchy. Killing is killing, whether capital punishment, war, or abortion. All forms are state sponsored murder. You only have the right to kill if someone directly attempts to harm you personally or your family by either phyical harm or property loss.


Well-Known Member
In the first trimester of pregnancy an unborn child is not viable and so the right to choose must be upheld... At this point it's still a medical decision between a woman and her doctor - no one else. In the second trimester, the unborn child becomes viable (can't remember which week exactly, so sue me) and at that point the potential of life is protected by the state. The only exceptions that allow late term abortions are in cases where a woman's health is at risk...

What exactly is wrong with that? It's all based on the constitution... Dont you like the constitution? The right to choose, the right to privacy... These rights must be protected.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The constitution isn't perfect, otherwise it wouldn't have had all those amendments? Also, I'm a libertarian, not a constitutionalist. Again, how viable is a few week born baby? Can you give it cash aid and food stamps, then it can take care of itself with no other help? Again why is killing a first trimester pregnant woman a double homicide? Lastly, any person who chooses themself over the child during the third trimester out of self preservation doesn't deserve life. This life is all we have and children are the only way life keeps continuing. I'm all about choosing, but not when it means taking another life. I could care less about so called definitions. DNA used to be all that wonderful scientists thought which was passed by heredity. But now they know there's others, like epigenetics. So called viability tests aren't the end all of whether abortion is morally correct. Neither are lame excuses such as choice.


Well-Known Member
The constitution isn't perfect, otherwise it wouldn't have had all those amendments? Also, I'm a libertarian, not a constitutionalist. Again, how viable is a few week born baby? Can you give it cash aid and food stamps, then it can take care of itself with no other help? Again why is killing a first trimester pregnant woman a double homicide? Lastly, any person who chooses themself over the child during the third trimester out of self preservation doesn't deserve life. This life is all we have and children are the only way life keeps continuing. I'm all about choosing, but not when it means taking another life. I could care less about so called definitions. DNA used to be all that wonderful scientists thought which was passed by heredity. But now they know there's others, like epigenetics. So called viability tests aren't the end all of whether abortion is morally correct. Neither are lame excuses such as choice.
for such a libertarian you sure seem to be very interested in what others consider 'moral'

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

Did you even know what a libertarian for life is? A libertarian has the simplest party rules, which doesn't hold anything immoral unless it infringes on the rights of another. Unborn are humans too. The fact it needs another to develop it to term isn't its fault. A child then needs another to support it after being born. Whatever sick twisted shit you and another want to do is up to you. I'm not there to stop you, but the moment you force your views on another, especially in the instance of an unborn who can't voice its opinion, I will do everything within the law to stop you.


Well-Known Member
Brings me back to the times of "My Sharona."



Well-Known Member
Age of consent in Mississippi is 16 years old, No other state is lower.

In the Vatican State it is 12 years old, no shit.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
a libertarian for life is someone who is not actually a libertarian.

more like a bible thumper who hates paying taxes and yearns for the times of 'my antonia'

A real bible thumper, ain't that right Mr. Buck?

Government only protects from invaders
laissez-faire capitalist
Pro-gay (I'm not gay but who cares if others are)
Real marriage for all, hetero and homo.
Animal rights
Long hair ( two thirds down my back )
Individualist ( hate collectivism )
Free health care for all ( A healthy society, is a productive society. Sick people can't work to be taken advantage of, now can they? )

I'm pretty sure both democrats and republicans would hate me? It's not so easy to pidgeon hole all libertarians as X and the rest bible thumpers.