might get BUSTED HELP!


Well-Known Member
Dude toss the 3 week old plants. Take them somewhere else it's not like there's a real loss it's only a couple.


Active Member
if the guy seemed honest and was just doing his job, then you should move them inside and you will be ok

i was doing flooring for a bit and this guy had clones in his house plants in 1 gals outside and his garage you could hear humming pretty loud.

we did our job and left and really thought nothing else of it
I'm agreeing with those saying not to be so paranoid.....1- they'd have to know what it was to recognize it, and 2- what would they gain by turning you in? ;)

If he didn't seem sketchy or a jerk, I'd take a breath and relax a bit :)

Either way, just be a bit more careful, and good luck! <3


Active Member
He walked upstairs to your backyard? I am so fucking confused right now. Whatever you decide to do, in the future you should consider whether it's smart to put them out in the open like that when you live in an area where someone can stumble onto your backyard or patio or whatever it is. Whatever you saved in electricity is not worth the risk.


Active Member
parinoid..you shouldnt grow...iam kinda on both sides of the fence on this...the sight of a plant gives prob cause..that is all that is needed but if your this worried abot it..get rid of it its not worth the stress...and if ya are going to for god sake dont take it out side..inside control the smell dont show anyone....dont tell anyone..grow small personal..12 plants max and you will be good


New Member
you're making me more comftorable so thank you for that...
do what tip top said and then go buy some
japanese maples in one gallon pots that are green in summer time
then place them where u had plants

then u can tell them pigs that meter reader needs some glasses
and place one right by your front door haha 9353723-green-japanese-maple-leaves.jpg


Well-Known Member
if you can grow inside, fuck outside(at least for on your property type grows)
it's too much grief unless you're legal in a MMJ state
i did some revegging of a plant outside last year, brought inside, along with a nice crop of spider mites


Well-Known Member
When you live in an urban area in the UK you can be paranoid about police. But fuck the police They are Cunts with a capital C! ;)


Active Member
Would you be looking at a felony? If you're debating whether or not to get rid of the evidence, then you're a braver man than me. Mine is a misdemeanor, lol if the cops ever came with a search warrant I'd be proud. Got free legal representation too through my union. Point is, I'm prepared for that visit, are you?


Well-Known Member
do what tip top said and then go buy some
japanese maples in one gallon pots that are green in summer time
then place them where u had plants

then u can tell them pigs that meter reader needs some glasses
and place one right by your front door haha View attachment 1658958
hahaha im with this one best idea so far, the thing is even if they do "lie" to obtain a search warrant and they come to check what you have and it happens to be a Japanese maple or a plant simular in stature to a mj plant but "not" a mj plant it makes the police look very VERY bad and if it happened a second time then im sure they would have a lawsuit on there hands especially if the police officer said he "smelt" marijuana lol could you imagine what that looks like hahaha, now truth is police cant just lie to get a search warrant they have to have credible evidence usually along the lines of drug sales, now from experience (not directly related to mj) i have a neighbor who is a complete dick and use to call the cops on me for everything pertaining to noise (music, party, etc etc...) and after the police knocked on my door a few times and saw things where not as he stated (didnt even ask to come in) they never came back and told him to stop calling or they where going to site him for wasting there time.

now on another note a friend of mine got busted with 175 plants where i live and the way they found it was he and his girlfriend got in a fight and the police where called knocked on the door and said they "smelt lol" mj so they just saw there selves in and bam thought they had a HUGE bust well come to find out when it went to court it got tossed out because they where not there for that reason and the fact that the police officer "smelt" mj wasnt enough to get a warrant and now my buddy walks the streets a free man (no lie).


New Member
hahaha im with this one best idea so far, the thing is even if they do "lie" to obtain a search warrant and they come to check what you have and it happens to be a Japanese maple or a plant simular in stature to a mj plant but "not" a mj plant it makes the police look very VERY bad and if it happened a second time then im sure they would have a lawsuit on there hands especially if the police officer said he "smelt" marijuana lol could you imagine what that looks like hahaha, now truth is police cant just lie to get a search warrant they have to have credible evidence usually along the lines of drug sales, now from experience (not directly related to mj) i have a neighbor who is a complete dick and use to call the cops on me for everything pertaining to noise (music, party, etc etc...) and after the police knocked on my door a few times and saw things where not as he stated (didnt even ask to come in) they never came back and told him to stop calling or they where going to site him for wasting there time.

now on another note a friend of mine got busted with 175 plants where i live and the way they found it was he and his girlfriend got in a fight and the police where called knocked on the door and said they "smelt lol" mj so they just saw there selves in and bam thought they had a HUGE bust well come to find out when it went to court it got tossed out because they where not there for that reason and the fact that the police officer "smelt" mj wasnt enough to get a warrant and now my buddy walks the streets a free man (no lie).
my sister used to date a cop on drug task force till she came to her senses
they will lie

if they get info but isnt creditable source they will take it to a creditable snitch who based on snitch in past has lead to search warrants that proved creditable
that way they can tell judge that signs warrant that he issued them based on guy before and turned out true

they go to snitch say "didnt u say joe blow grows pot at his house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC " wink and he will go oh hell yes i seen them nice plants

bam judge signs warrant you get door kicked in and when they find plants u can claim they lied and u didnt know snitch and join all others in prison claiming they were innocent

or the old " i smell marijuana" trick always works for house and cars to allow them to search and good luck proving 3 months later your car or house didnt reek, they use that one alot cuz they know they can get away with it and u have no way to disprove it


Well-Known Member
... if they get info but isnt creditable source they will take it to a creditable snitch who based on snitch in past has lead to search warrants that proved creditable
that way they can tell judge that signs warrant that he issued them based on guy before and turned out true

they go to snitch say &quot;didnt u say joe blow grows pot at his house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC &quot; wink and he will go oh hell yes i seen them nice plants

bam judge signs warrant you get door kicked in and when they find plants u can claim they lied and u didnt know snitch and join all others in prison claiming they were innocent

dead on, this is why they use snitches, they work
good(read dirty) cops always have some snitches in the back pocket - some low level drug arrest and didn't have the cash for the lawyer
if they suspect you, they can get you


New Member
... if they get info but isnt creditable source they will take it to a creditable snitch who based on snitch in past has lead to search warrants that proved creditable
that way they can tell judge that signs warrant that he issued them based on guy before and turned out true

they go to snitch say &quot;didnt u say joe blow grows pot at his house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC &quot; wink and he will go oh hell yes i seen them nice plants

bam judge signs warrant you get door kicked in and when they find plants u can claim they lied and u didnt know snitch and join all others in prison claiming they were innocent

dead on, this is why they use snitches, they work
good(read dirty) cops always have some snitches in the back pocket - some low level drug arrest and didn't have the cash for the lawyer
if they suspect you, they can get you
here the move up food chain by getting low level guys and tell them u give me 3 people u walk then those 3 people lead to 9 more people and then well u get ideal

and then sometimes guys do it to make money or to be able to deal and not worry about law

like the case in texas years back snitch busted out 30 people differnet people then later they found out cops gave guy money to make buys he walk arounf corner pull his own rocks out and go back to give to cops and said yep she sold it to me. And some of people he busted never even knew guy and didnt sell drugs.

he game ran out when he got guy busted and turned out his dad was a president in naacp then shit blow up in cops faces and snitch got a shitload of charges
even for tampering with evidence


Well-Known Member
Half the people in the world probably cant identify a marijuana plant from a distance or a glance or even think to look for such a thing... dont even trip


Active Member
you're making me more comftorable so thank you for that...

Bull shit I know people who got busted same situation and a simple anonymous tip and bam. Besides they could always say they smelled strong odors of marijuana cops are fucks and don't think they need to abide by the laws and realistically they don't they get away with breaking the laws all the time and you being busted just might be the next result of that it is not worth getting busted that shit haunts you. If you wanna be cocky and think the law will protect you then see what happens but I almost gaurentee if that guy tipped the cops ur fucked.