Midwest Growers?


Well-Known Member
What are you gonna do? Have you checked the forcast for this weekend. Calls for snowflakes and so far I see 3 consecutive days of high temps in the low 40s and lows in upper 20s . I have a huge Monster that Vegged most of it's life in a pot, and when it started to flower I put it in the ground. I'm pretty sure it has a well established root system running everywhere but I think I may try to dig her up and put her in my little greenhouse just to finish up. I'd say she has about 3 weeks left to finish, the buds are all huge and the pistols have been turning colors for a few weeks, she just hasn't swollen up yet. The buds are a little light IMO.

What do you think the outcome of trying that will be. I've been successful taking smaller plants from the ground and putting them in pots. This plant is about 9 feet tall, do you think it would finish flowering if I transplanted now?
Are the benefits of warmth and no rain outweighing the problems transplanting such a big plant? Even if it slowed it down it's better than losing it all to freezing temps. I don't know what I"m going to do. Hopefully the weather man is full of crap.


Active Member
delta-9 im not sure what to do either....mine isnt 9 ft its only 5 and has about 2 weeks left i thought about trying to put some water jugs painted black with hot water in them, about 4 per plant and covering them with a plastic and see if that helps. I hate to think i would lose her after putting 6 months in to growing such a beautiful lady!


Well-Known Member
I tried to dig her up a little and I'm not sure I'm up for that. That is a lot of damn digging. I may go out and start again though, the forcast is looking rather harsh.

The tree is tied to the half harvested plant and is there for cover.

Tomorrow is supposed to be really nice out so I still have a day or two. This is going to be a real pain in the ass to dig both of these plants.
Do you think covering them is even an option with temps droping into the 20s and only reaching the 40s during the day for at least 3 maybe 4 consecutive days?

All I know is this sucks, I thought the cold temps were coming late this year. I can't wait to move away from this godforsaken wasteland.



Well-Known Member
im in the same boat my friend in michigan. snow next sunday and monday and 3 frosts in a row. its been raining 7 days straight now and forcast is saying rain still all the way until the 13th.. cant get much worse im just leaving them out and hoping for the best


Active Member
Finally found some midwest growers.....you guys have 9 foot sativas so im not sure you could dig it up, the root system should be just as big as the plant....diggin for daysbongsmilieI have a ton of 3-4 foot indicas out and its getting cold FAST and im sure everyone been getting pissed on in the Midwest for a few days....covering my plants is not a possability, anyone else going to try to harvest in the rain or snow? lol.....my plants seem to love the cold weather....But im getting scetchy now....they look done but its always raining.


Active Member
I'm in MN and i just have this to say WE DON'T LIVE IN OUTDOOR GROW LAND!!! I mean we have what April-Sept. to grow if you don't get your seeds in the ground in april early may then don't really count on a harvest...move indoors bro it's way to cold I brought my plants inside in September


Active Member
I'm in MN and i just have this to say WE DON'T LIVE IN OUTDOOR GROW LAND!!! I mean we have what April-Sept. to grow if you don't get your seeds in the ground in april early may then don't really count on a harvest...move indoors bro it's way to cold I brought my plants inside in September
I have no clue what you talking about man.......I have planted in Minnesota numerous times. I still have perfectly healthy plants outside, im probably going to be harvesting in the snow...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
It has been a really cold season, you think my plant is hearty enough to take the freeze? I don't think the root system is that big because it vegged in a pot and was then put in ground. I'm gonna still try and dig her up. I'm gonna try to leave a root ball as big as a plastic tote.


Active Member
I guess if your shit is just about ready but i mean the midwest is a place where you really have to monitor when it's time to grow outside it's nothin like Cali.


Active Member
It has been a really cold season, you think my plant is hearty enough to take the freeze? I don't think the root system is that big because it vegged in a pot and was then put in ground. I'm gonna still try and dig her up. I'm gonna try to leave a root ball as big as a plastic tote.
good luck man.......:joint:


Well-Known Member
No need for luck now. Someone jacked this plant. It wasn't even ready so they got half a pound of completly clear trich buds. Luckily for all of us the weather forcast has been changed and it no longer shows freezing temps. Hell ya cause I still got 4 other plants that pos ripper didn't get. With the change in weather I'm really pissed now cause I had initially put my mind at ease thinking that the freezing temps would have caused me to lose that plant anyways. Now I know I could have made it. That ripper will get what is coming to him.



Well-Known Member
ive been thinking of this for some time. hide a deer camera in the trees by the plants and if they get jacked you can id the person. but then again if someone found the camera you would be on it watering the plants. cancel that idea haha. sucks though man. temps here arent freezing anymore either but its 33 for 3 nights in a row and my plant already went through one frost last week so its sketchy at best. 9 days of straight rain too as of today lol. no bud rot so far though, plants are only 5 weeks in though so they havent formed a "Single" bud yet so theres some air room, supposed to be sunny tomarrow only 50 though. good luck keep me posted its good to see some midwesterners


Active Member
Delta-9 that blows! I hate thieves especially if they are stealing my plants! I have a sister that went on vacation and when she got home someone had stole all of her tomatos off her plant.....just tomato's but at the same time its fucked up that people are like that. Usually it is people you know too!


Well-Known Member
snow 3 days in a row this weekend... low is 33 all 3 nights im just leaving them out and hoping they make it. temps go back into the 40s at night starting tuesday if i can make this weekend i got it in the bag. if i can make it till the 20th ill have somewhat of a harvest. they are only 37 days into flowering as of now. i need at least 50 to have smokeable bud so wish the best for the midwest haha


Active Member
i wish the best for everyone as well. I am in week 8 of flowering and i need atleast 2 more weeks to finish we are expecting frost sunday and monday nights....if the ladies make it thru that should be ok....i am going to cover my plants and hope for the best!


fuck i feel ya im in chicago and its getting cold fast. first frost isnt usually untill oct.16-26th but i think its comming early this year!!!! im no were near done flowering my sativas. they showed sex early sept. you guys could add a layer of mulch, and put up some kind of wodden frame covered with clear plastic and the plants should live a few more weeks. make sure the plastic is not touching any leaves!!!


Active Member
how thick would the plastic have to be that i put on there? and should i take the plastic on the top off during the day for air flow?


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat, im gonna build a wooden frame and wrap in plastic, ill hope to add mulch. I tried painting rocks black and have it keep warm over the night, but they dont work, either way, good luck