Marijuana Decriminalization Bill passes in Connecticut


New Member
lol I love the picture combined with the caption on this article haha

In Connecticut, possession of 30 joints or less will be akin to receiving a speeding ticket. sea kay's flickr

I wish the caption was totally true, however, a 500$ fine is quite a hefty speeding ticket? Does any state have speeding tickets that go that high? and what happens if you have more than the limit? (which is only a half ounce btw so what about the growers? Where does the marijuana come from? Criminal? lol)

I long for the day it becomes federally decriminalized, even being in a medical state it sucks that its still federally illegal, when it becomes federally legal only then can we be 100% worry free.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Laws can be amended. Hopefully there will an amendment proposed to either lower the fine or raise the amount allowed before prosecution. Are camels flying yet? :shock:

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It takes a while for the old racist bastards to die out. Too bad they are intent on taking the country with them. :(


Well-Known Member
lol I love the picture combined with the caption on this article haha

In Connecticut, possession of 30 joints or less will be akin to receiving a speeding ticket. sea kay's flickr

I wish the caption was totally true, however, a 500$ fine is quite a hefty speeding ticket? Does any state have speeding tickets that go that high? and what happens if you have more than the limit? (which is only a half ounce btw so what about the growers? Where does the marijuana come from? Criminal? lol)

I long for the day it becomes federally decriminalized, even being in a medical state it sucks that its still federally illegal, when it becomes federally legal only then can we be 100% worry free.

It's the small snapshots into American mores relating to Cannabis that make for that National Geographic moment. I wanted to say.
I liked the picture and thought "it has to be cold there."


Active Member
I understand everybody's disappointment that it is still federally illegal, but another state decriminalizing it is a HUGE step! This is great news. It's going to take years before it is accepted like alcohol, but we are well on the way as long as we keep laying out stepping stones like this.


Well-Known Member
It is a long road.

It has me wondering what the result will be but if we can reduce harm caused by legal prosecution for simple personal use, production, trade and possession that is a good thing.

I feel that we have to change ourselves as well. We must look at our side of the argument and improve if possible.

No society survives through stagnation. Perhaps we need to examine our social structure and social goals as a cannabis community as a whole.

I believe in horticulture rights for the individual are a must to establish nation wide.
We keep cannabis horticulture rights just out of reach legally in every state from what I can tell. By that I mean that we are limited to space, weight or plant count which impedes breeding and seed saving which is a major part of horticultural activity.

It seems to me that we see the green of profits and we make the green of the species cannabis a secondary concern.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I understand everybody's disappointment that it is still federally illegal, but another state decriminalizing it is a HUGE step! This is great news. It's going to take years before it is accepted like alcohol, but we are well on the way as long as we keep laying out stepping stones like this.
It's been said for years that the legalization process will happen state by state. Maybe decriminalization will lead to full legalization?