Mandala - Safari Mix - 250w


Well-Known Member
Well my 2 safari girls are ahead of the pack. There starting to fill out very well. My oldest Satori clone, has been slowing getting fatter and frostier for sure. My cabs maxed out for now. I have 4 misty clones randomy around in my closet trying to sex them for our outdoor crop. Also, my 2 clones have arrived (WHITE BERRY!! and another Mental Floss) Can't wait to get them in proper position fer the light. This staggered sog is a pain in the ass adjusting heights an all. Next time around it will be more organized and starting the same time. Fun seeing how much fatter they get over night now though :D



My cab; White Berry and Mental Floss are the clones on top.


Well-Known Member
Ummm, every pic from my 4th post onward are not mine... Wtf LoL... Something got messed on the upgrade of the site... Mods?


Well-Known Member
satori is looking good . whats your temps like ?

Hey Goofy. Sorry for no updates and not responding earlier. Was waiting for the admins to sort out the pic problem.

Temps in my cab are around 27C with lights out and approx 31C with lights on. Humidity reaches 30-40% after watering/feeding.


Well-Known Member
Those are some beautiful plants and so is that cat.
Thanks Ptone. Thats my bengal cat Echo. I have him to thank for the odd piece of hair that floats around and decides to land on my sticky ladies :evil:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Ptone. Thats my bengal cat Echo. I have him to thank for the odd piece of hair that floats around and decides to land on my sticky ladies :evil:
Totally man I have 2 Black Cats Cid / Nibbler and 1 Calico Lucy :) Hairs everywhere!


New Member
The smaller of my 2 safaris got chopped @ day 63 lastnight.

1.82oz wet.
Fantastic harvest +rep. I'll be starting a 250w thread in a month or so myself. BTW your bengal is awesome; the last picture with the kitty sniffing the bud is a favorite.