Making my hash with paint thinner(mineral spirits)


i also work w/ lots of different chemicals chloraform is the best thing to use because almost all of it evaporates. but its impossable to get this.
any chemical leaves behind residue but some are cleaner than others.
mineral spirits probably leaves the most because it is a very oily solvent and has lots of wetting agents and additives.

100% pure grain alcohol is probably the best thing to use it evaporates very quickly

rubbing alcohol that you find at the store is onlt 70% alcohol the other 30% is water to keep it from evaporating too quickly this stuff works but then it tastes weird because of the water content.


Active Member
Bam, If your not 100% sure on whether you should do it or not, don't risk it man. It's not worth it just to get super fucked up. Wait for your next chance and do it in a way you are confident in. I've seen more ppl fry their brains trying to get that next "harder shit" (I'm not talking about pot 'cause that can't hurt you - UNLESS YOU DILUTE SCREWY ASS CHEMICALS IN IT).

Anyway man, you just do whatever you think is right, but even though I'm sure it was a real pain in the ass to come by, you'll be able to get more eventually and prep it in a way your confident is safe.

Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
I would say get back to us and tell us about it. We will probally read about it and we will have our first marijuana realted fatality.

good luck and god bless

your gonna need both


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry too much the idea is to let it evaporate and yeah there might be trace amounts but ive seen a group of people take one of thier socks off dip it into thinner and huff it all day long. they all can still count to ten....( I think so anyway )


i hate using chemicals for making hash....except when i make BHO..if you are going to use denatured alcohol..atleast do it properly so you don't get sick....i hope you have a laboratory...LOL.......




* ETHYL ALCOHOL / METHANOL (wood alcohol)
* SULFURIC ACID (Concentrate 96 to 98 %(you can use a weaker acid but the delta-9
conversion is greater with the stronger sulphuric acid)).
* SODIUM BICARBONATE (baking soda)

NOTE; The most easy to find solvent for the extraction of the THC from the plant
matter, is denatured alcohol which is ethyl alcohol that has been made Poisson
with methanol (sunny side is a good brand of denatured alcohol). Methanol can
cause blindness and death ! So don’t drink this stuff, and make sure when you
separate the layers as described later on in this process, you don’t get any of
the alcohol solvent layer in with the toluene layer.

Well, now that we have gathered all these solvents and glass ware, we will have
some of the best hash oil in about 8 hours that you will ever find. So on to the
process of extracting and izmerizing the cannabis essence.

You must dry your plant matter to a state where it will crumble into a fine powder.

TIP; use you microwave oven, heat the plant matter for 1 to 2 min at a time then
let cool, do this till it is completely dry. To crumble the plant matter, place it
in a 1 gallon plastic zip-lock bag and proceed to crush it with your hands. This
works very well.

STEP #2 Place the powdered plant matter into your 500 Ml flat-bottomed flask.

STEP #3 Add enough denatured alcohol solvent to completely cover the plant matter,
so that it floats freely in the solvent.

STEP #4 Connect the your condenser to the flask. (Connecting the condenser to a
water source).

STEP #5 Now, slowly heat the solvent / plant matter to reflux. Let this reflux for
about two hours.

STEP #6 Turn the heat off your reflux equipment, let every thing cool down to room

STEP #7 Remove the condenser from the flask.

STEP #8 Now add your sulfuric acid to the solvent / plant matter solution, use one
drop sulfuric acid per 50 ML solvent used.

STEP #9 Replace your condenser to your flask and heat to reflux once more, leave
it at reflux for 4 more hours.

Note; this is where all the magic takes place.

STEP #10 turn off heat, let every thing cool to room temperature.

Note; The alcohol will have a dark black color at this point, it will seem to be
almost thick.

STEP #11 Neutralize the alcohol with sodium bicarbonate.(backing soda)

Tip; When it stops fizzing you will have a neutral or slightly basic solution.

STEP #12 Filter the solvent from the plant matter with the use of your funnel and
filter paper.

Note; If you are going to be doing a lot of oil production you should get a filter
flask, aspirator and a buchner funnel. See the watchers chemistry works for
information on filtering.

STEP #13 Add as much water as you have alcohol / thc extract.

Note; Toluene mixes with alcohol in all parts so you will not be able to separate
the alcohol / toluene layers if you don’t add this water.

STEP #14 Add about 1/3 as much toluene as you have alcohol / water to your flask.

STEP #15 Mix all this well for about 30 seconds.

Note 1; As the THC dose not want to stay in the alcohol / water layer it will move
with ease into the toluene layer.

STEP #16 Now use your separatory funnel to sperate the two layers.

Note; The toluene / THC layer will be on top. Also the bottom layer should be a
light green color.

Important; If the bottom layer still has a black color you should do steps #14 to
# 16 one more time, but once is usually enough.

STEP #17 Evaporate the toluene / THC layer till you can no longer smell any trace
of toluene.

Note; when the toluene has evaporated you will have left in the bottom of your
glass baking dish a black oil with a slight spice smell.

Well people there you have it the over night process for the extraction
of hash oil......have fun and don't kill yourself .....


Well-Known Member
Okay I have to totally disagree here. How is paint thinner that much more insane then alcohol or butane? The idea is that it totally evaporates! There's a negligible amount left, I'm sure...but come on, do you really think all the people who use butane are smoking butane afterwards? Or same with alcohol? No fucking way. They'd all be totally fucked to hell by now if that were the case.

My view: if you don't let it evaporate fully, then yea your brain may melt or something...but if you do it properly, I don't see how it's any different than alcohol or butane hash.


Well-Known Member
I take it you have spent zero time with mineral spirits,if you had you'd know how greasy that stuff it is,its a very oily liquid that takes forever to evaporate,i bet one cup full wont evaporate in 3 days.

Yummy stuff,why not just use xylene & fuck yourself up real good.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well if it's only a matter of density and evaporation time, then yea, I understand and agree with that. But a lot of the people who responded just ignorantly were like "ZOMG paint thinner! That's crazy!!" and they didn't seem to be talking about the density...they just meant since paint thinner SOUNDS bad for if pure alcohol and butane don't. That was the thing that annoyed me.


Active Member
fuck no way,TOO much residue ,aboriginals in australia here are known to sniff it ,and it fucks them up,smoking it wont be good ,who knows what effect you might get,:spew:dont be fuckin stupid ,now forget about the shit you wasted,you can always grow more...and read and do it right


My view: if you don't let it evaporate fully, then yea your brain may melt or something...but if you do it properly, I don't see how it's any different than alcohol or butane hash.
thats the problem mineral spirits doesnt FULLY evaporate. you'll still have that mineral spirits in your backyard 3 weeks from now and still wont be fully evaporated
know why additives


Well-Known Member
i dunno 50/50 on this one.
try the tsp on the glass thing.. .look at it under a microscope too..


Active Member
Originally Posted by fdd2blk
i just want to delete this thread and pretend it never happened. scary stuff.

you should.....shit is really scary...i'll stick to organic nugs and bubble hash thank you LOL........

Wrong ,because of this thread he might give it a second thought ,now he realises hopefully the consequences :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
After this guy has finished with his little experiment that he wont take our advice on....I vote to have the thread removed to avoid even slipping the idea into someone else's mind. Dude its paint thinner. I dont care how many people huff it and survive they also tell ya ur first huff could be ur last cause you dont know what brain cells will be affected... *shakes head* But if you are dead set on smoking the chemicals (which unlike huffing will almost permanently stick them in ur chest) let us know if you survive. And how bad that paint thinner fucks u.