lst during flowering?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i just switched to flowering but i feel if i start to lst it it would end up with a better yeild
ive never herd of people lsting during flowering but it seems like it would work

this is my plant 4 weeks old and 4 days into flowering could i still lst?



Well-Known Member
honestly I would top it and veg it for 4 more weeks, it's not too late. The difference will be staggering.


Well-Known Member
That is awfully small. Looks like you need more light all over. You can tie it down, but its so small, it really needs more veg time. And more light!


Well-Known Member
if your saying that cause the light i can move the light up and down its not all the way at the top
but i can lst during flowering? to get more light to the bottom leaves
You dont have enough top canopy for the light to have problems penetrating to the bottom. What type of light are you using? Is it indica or Sativa?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
You dont have enough top canopy for the light to have problems penetrating to the bottom. What type of light are you using? Is it indica or Sativa?
i have cfls only 46w right now cause thats the only 2700k i got im gonna throw a little 13w 6500 for some more light just cant have to much heat its already like 86
i have no idea what strain it is... its from a bagseed from bud probably from mexico...

i tied her down a little bit so the leaves coming in at the bottom would have more light in all hope that isnt bad


Well-Known Member
i have cfls only 46w right now cause thats the only 2700k i got im gonna throw a little 13w 6500 for some more light just cant have to much heat its already like 86
i have no idea what strain it is... its from a bagseed from bud probably from mexico...

i tied her down a little bit so the leaves coming in at the bottom would have more light in all hope that isnt bad
probably its sativa strain because most of bagseed from mexico is sativa but some of them are very good always can get some small cfls on the both of sides on your plant....

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
yeah hopefully its good
its been in flowering for 5 days now and when i went to check it today it had a smell coming from it a little faint and not exactly like weed but it has got me excited haha
do they have single bulb sockets that have a plug or would i have to wire it myself
or even dont they have some light sockets that plug right into a wall socket?


Well-Known Member
Just watch for either pistils,a female plant, or. For a cluster of balls, a male plant, u should be seeing some by now

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
Just watch for either pistils,a female plant, or. For a cluster of balls, a male plant, u should be seeing some by now
ive been looking everyday haha
but i read that if its around the normal time the plant flowers as in size and stuff it will show alot quicker then once forced into flowering


Well-Known Member
Is that as close as u can get the light to it? Tie the plant as far down On its side as U can get It, then put the light right on top, this will get u more bud, the light has to b close as Possible when using cfl

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
Is that as close as u can get the light to it? Tie the plant as far down On its side as U can get It, then put the light right on top, this will get u more bud, the light has to b close as Possible when using cfl
i can raise and lower the light so hieght isnt a problem but heat is so i dont want to add alot of more lights i just want the light to reach more places that why i want to lst because with 2 23w cfls its almost 90 degrees in there so even adding one more would bring it up a couple degrees


Well-Known Member
you cant LST during flowering once the branches start to harden up...i had to do an emergency LST once during flowering (fukers grew 3x's its original height going into flowering and they were indica dom...ugh) and the branches were already hard...needless to say....snap....snap...snap.

so get the tape and cardboard and get ready to repair the bends/breaks.

LST should be done in VEG preferably 20 min after watering (the branches will be very flexible then).

its not to say its impossible but you'd have to be VERY careful.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
you cant LST during flowering once the branches start to harden up...i had to do an emergency LST once during flowering (fukers grew 3x's its original height going into flowering and they were indica dom...ugh) and the branches were already hard...needless to say....snap....snap...snap.

so get the tape and cardboard and get ready to repair the bends/breaks.

LST should be done in VEG preferably 20 min after watering (the branches will be very flexible then).

its not to say its impossible but you'd have to be VERY careful.
alright i will deffinitly be careful i bending it a little bit but the stem is still flexible it isnt that thick
and its only the first couple days of flowering now
i just wanted to have more light get to my plant for the future during flowering


Active Member
You can definitely LST during flowering. Just keep it low stress. If you need to make a tight bend do it incrementaly over serveral days.

I agree with what smokehouse said. Put her back to veg, top her and give her a bit more time. If she is a sativa like people have suggested, then you dont want to veg her too long since sativas often triple their size or more.

Your yield is directly related to light intensity. If all the other conditions are on track, then doubling the light wattage will double your yield.